Cough with tuberculosis

Lung infection by acid-fast mycobacteria of tuberculosis is usually accompanied by a cough. Depending on the localization, prevalence and form of the disease, this symptom may be different. But cough with tuberculosis is always present, therefore it is considered one of the main clinical manifestations of this pathology.

What kind of cough is observed with pulmonary tuberculosis?

The main characteristic of the symptom in question is its duration. Persistent dry cough with tuberculosis can not be treated for more than 3 weeks. At the same time, it intensifies at night and closer to the morning, provoking insomnia and nervous disorders.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to some distinguishing features of cough.

Features and character of coughing with tuberculosis

The described clinical manifestation differs according to the form of the disease:

  1. Miliary. Strong, painful, even "hysterical" cough. A large amount of thick, white sputum, odorless, is expectorated.
  2. Focal. A rare, mild cough. The symptom is practically invisible to the patient, which makes it difficult to diagnose.
  3. Destructive. Cough muffled, but without wheezes. Attacks give painful sensations, are accompanied by a cutting pain in the larynx.
  4. Tumor-like. A convulsive bitonal cough, which is difficult to calm, has a specific "metallic" echo.
  5. The guttural. Due to the lack of cover for the glottis cough, almost silent, causes hoarseness of the voice.
  6. Infiltrative. In the early stages of such tuberculosis cough is weak, but eventually increases. Seizures may occur with a small amount of viscous secretion, hemoptysis sometimes occurs.

With any similar symptoms, you should immediately contact the TB doctor.