The most accurate divination for the future

It is difficult to meet a person who would not dream of finding out what will happen to him in the near future. To date, there are many accurate predictions for the future that have come down to our time from ancient times. To get truthful answers, you must take the predictions as seriously as possible. To start guessing better after sunset in complete solitude and silence, which will maximize your own thoughts and energy on this action.

Divination for the future in private life

Such predictions are the most popular, as many girls, when entering into a relationship, begin to think about how long the union will last, what feelings the partner feels, whether there is a prospect for the future, etc. Great popularity is enjoyed by a true guessing on the future on the ring, which allows you to get answers to the most important questions. To conduct it, one should take a church candle, a silver ring, a thread and a coin. Tie the ring to the thread, light a candle on the table, and put a coin next to it. With your fingers, the tip of the thread, put the ring over the coin. It is important that the hand does not move. Ask a question about the personal life, to which you can get an answer, either "yes" or "no." After that, watch the movement of the ring. If it remains stationary, it means that at the moment the topic you touched should remain unaffected. A left / right movement means a positive response, and a backward / forward movement is negative.

The most accurate and truthful guessing for the future on bones

Such kinds of predictions have appeared since antiquity, and especially they are popular among the Roma. Consider one of the most truthful predictions for the future, for which it is necessary to prepare four identical in size squares of different colors:

Close your eyes, mix and get one of the squares, which shows what is most important for the person at the moment. Above the dropped square, roll the cube to finish the most accurate guessing for the future and see the result.

If a red square fell out:

1 - the feelings that you experience are reciprocal.

2 - to love others, love yourself.

3 - do not need to destroy what was built for a long time.

4 - soon an important person will appear in life.

5 - concentrate, and then all problems will be overcome.

6 - do not sacrifice yourself, as this will not be appreciated.

If a blue square fell out:

1 - soon will come true cherished desire.

2 - the desire is incorrect.

3 - remember that thoughts are material.

4 - do not postpone anything for later.

5 - the conceived will not come true.

6 - set clear goals .

If a blue square fell out:

1 - expect advancement on a career ladder and increase of the salary.

2 - learn to internally relax, for example, meditate.

3 - it is impossible to move forward because of one's own excitement.

4 - you need advice from a psychologist.

5 - you yourself are guilty of frequent depressions .

6 - another person negatively affects your life.

If a green square fell out:

1 - spend free time with parents.

2 - remember that children need attention.

3 - devote attention to family, not work.

4 - wait for positive changes.

5 - when unnecessary people leave your life, it will greatly improve.

6 - take care of your home, and not the search for adventure.

If the result of divination does not suit you, then this does not mean that it is not true. You can repeat fortune-telling for the future after a while, but you can not ask the same questions.