Waterfall Petrogue

In Chile, under the influence of the mountains and the river, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world - Petrogue - was formed. Noteworthy is the place for tourists by massive water cascades that cross the volcanic landscape. The territory was formed many centuries ago by basalt lava erupting from Osorno volcano. Now it is a gloomy but impressive landscape, which both professionals and ordinary tourists like to photograph.

What is interesting waterfall?

The waterfall Petrogue is located in the territory of the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park, near the city of Puerto Montt . It was formed in the upper reaches of the Petrogue River, which flows from Lake Todos. The formation of the waterfall was promoted by cracks in the crystallized lava, while it cooled down after its eruption. It did not deform at all, despite the fact that the water has been flowing here for many years.

Breaking down from the bare peak of the volcano, Petrogüe is a real decoration of these places. The average flow of water is 270 m³ per second, but it is worth starting the rainy season, the water level in the river rises. Consequently, the power of the waterfall also increases.

Surprising and water, overthrown - transparent with a slightly greenish tinge. When a mud stream enters the river from the slopes of the waterfall, it becomes contaminated with mud and sand. The Vincent Pérez Rosales National Park along with the Petrogüe waterfall is an integral part of the tourist routes.

It is simply impossible not to notice the stormy Petrogue River. And it's worth discovering it, as well as before the waterfall is a stone's throw away. Simultaneously with the inspection of Petrogüe you can find time to try your luck and catch the fish in the river.

What should tourists do?

Waterfall Petrogue is one of the main attractions of the park, so the caretakers create all the conveniences for visiting it. Special routes have been developed, according to which tourists can safely pass and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The park offers a variety of services, which should not be abandoned. Among them are canoeing along the mountain rivers, during the walk you can see the volcano Osorno and the Petroguet waterfall in full beauty. Such a trip will remain in the memory of the tourist for a long time, because you can rarely see such an amazing picture as evergreen wet forests, and the Petrogue waterfall flowing against them.

How to get to the waterfall?

Get to the waterfall Petrogue get on the picturesque roads, but to see it and be imbued with all the beauty of the place can only be close. The best and most accurate way to get to it is from Puerto Monta to the small town of Ennsenda, then turn right and drive another 13 km along a dirt road.