Mustard - good and bad

Mustard has been known since ancient times, and not only as a hot sauce, which is suitable for various dishes, but also as a medicinal product for external use. Today, it again becomes popular due to its useful properties.

What is the use of mustard?

It will be much easier to understand this if you refer to the composition, and he, it must be admitted, is very rich.

  1. In mustard seeds, and therefore in the finished sauce or powder, vitamin A is found, and in the most stable form. This means that it is preserved for a long time, making mustard useful to the eyes, skin and hair.
  2. Another vitamin in the composition of the miracle seasoning is vitamin E. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and skin, and in addition, tocopherol is necessary for the normal operation of the female reproductive system. Among other things, this vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, so to some extent the benefit of mustard lies in its ability to protect our cells from damage by free radicals.
  3. A fairly rare vitamin D, also found in mustard. This biologically active substance not only assists the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus, but also regulates the processes of cell division and the production of hormones.
  4. Mustard is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it produces a healthy and tasty oil. Such fatty acids normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  5. The spicy taste of the seasoning is due to the presence in it of glycosides of synalbine and sinigrin. It is proved that they contribute to sputum discharge, and therefore help in the treatment of certain respiratory diseases.
  6. Do not deprive of mustard and minerals. In it you can find iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and some other elements.

On the influence of mustard on the body

So, we found out that the spicy seasoning can improve the condition of the hair and skin, ease the state of coughing, but that's not all. It is proved that mustard stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, which improves the breakdown of fats and proteins, so its addition to meat food is fully justified. Thus, seasoning improves digestion, facilitating the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. But here there is another side of the coin - increased production of gastric juice can worsen the condition of people who have gastritis with high acidity, colitis or peptic ulcer.

Today, dry mustard is widely used for weight loss, because it is such an affordable cosmetic product! With her make wraps on the problem areas, and often they do give a noticeable result. Mustard irritates the skin, stimulates microcirculation, metabolic processes occur more actively, in connection with these, a decrease in the manifestations of cellulite can be observed. However, there is no need to be seduced, weight loss with the help of mustard, but without compliance with diet and moderate exercise, no one has ever succeeded. By the way, wraps with it should be done carefully, because you can get a burn or allergic reaction.

Separately, mention should be made of the less popular greens of mustard, the benefits and harms from it are approximately the same, as from the usual seasoning in the form of powder or sauce, because they have similar compositions. The peculiarity of the leaf mustard is the increased content of oxalates, so it is not recommended to eat people who have kidney diseases, since it is possible to form stones.

Thus, the ancestors did not in vain bring this spice to our days. It can be considered a real remedy, however, like many plants. However, like all such "medicines", mustard is not only good, but also harmful, so it should be used in a limited way. Abuse of seasoning can lead to a burn of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.