Gymnastics Beloyar

Wellness Beloyar conquers the expanses of the Slavic countries. Atypical name resembles the name of the pagan god Beloyar, deity of April, responsible for the awakening of nature after hibernation. Well, the name absolutely corresponds to the content of the gymnastics Beloyar. After all, the essence of all exercises is to stretch, just like after a dream. But first things first.

Naturalness of movements

Our muscles are known to perform two types of work: stress and relaxation. Moreover, during relaxation, the blood flow improves, and muscles are fed, and during stress - on the contrary. There is also a third activity - sipping. Remember how the animals stretch after waking up, after all, remember how pleasant it is sometimes, lazy, reach out after a long sleep. It is this "stretched" state of the muscles that is the basis of the Slavic gymnastics Beloyar.


When the muscles are in the stretched state, the circulation is twice as good as in the relaxed muscles. As a result, the processes of cell structure, regeneration, treatment for diseases are activated, the lion's share of the load is removed from the spine, and you forget about hernias, dislocation of disks, etc.

Three directions

Gymnastics Beloyar is created for the spine, and with the rehabilitation of the spine the position of all internal organs is adjusted. It is the effective and rapid self-healing of the spine and is the first direction of gymnastics Beloyar - the physical side of the exercises.

The second direction is focused on the adjustment of the nervous system. When our muscles are clamped in tension, the nerve nodes are squashed, pain and interruptions occur in the nerve streams. Thanks to neuro-orthopedic gymnastics system Beloyar, tension is removed from the nerve nodes, and our CNS begins to work well, the person becomes calmer, more balanced and more optimistic.

All exercises Beloyar system does not consume our reserves, but rather replenish our energy resources. After classes, you will not feel tired, but on the contrary - cheerfulness and lifting of the spirit. This is the third direction of gymnastics Beloyar. Now we will get acquainted with the basic exercises.

  1. The main thing is the correct position of the spine. It should not have the bends to which we are accustomed, on the contrary, the more spine the spine - the more power it has. Slightly crouch on the legs, the toes look forward, the back is even, the pelvis is slightly forward. Spread your hand on the back - bends should not be.
  2. We keep the rack. Imagine that you are a tree, down your roots, feel stability in your legs, and the top reaches up. We raise our hands and stretch towards the sky like twigs.
  3. We keep the stance of the tree: we stretch our legs down (roots), the top of the head - upwards, and our hands - to the side, we stretch out each side more and more. First we pull the palms down, then turn them up.
  4. Keeping the position - hands to the side, and pushing the sky. We lift hands and forward and upward. The coccyx pulls back, and the arms - forward.
  5. A tree stand, one hand stretches up, the other hand - down. Stretch the spine, change hands - we lower one, raise the second.
  6. Do the previous exercise and imagine that we are holding a huge beach ball. Hands as wide as possible, we try to cover the ball, with one hand always on top, the second one from below. We twist our hands and turn the ball.
  7. We make an arc. We keep the stand of the tree, raise our hands to the side, the palms go forward. We wrap the ball in front of us with both hands.

These were the basic exercises of Beloyar gymnastics with which you will begin to feel the flow of energy throughout the body.