Bulk pie with cottage cheese

There are many different recipes for homemade simple pastries. But a special place among them takes a bulk pie. The dough comes out crumbly and incredibly tender. Recipes of a bulk pie with cottage cheese are waiting for you below.

Bulk pie with apples and cottage cheese



We combine flour with a manga, sugar, sprinkle the baking powder and mix again. Eggs with cottage cheese and powder weed until homogeneous. Purified apples are grinded with a grater. The form is closed with baking paper and it is smeared with oil. Dry mixture is divided into 3 parts and stacked all layers in such a sequence: part of the dry mixture, apples, again part of the dry mixture, curd mass, again the dry mixture. Top with a crumbled hazelnut and spread out the grated butter. At 180 degrees we bake 50 minutes. The finished pie is cooled and rubbed with powdered sugar.

Bulk pie with cottage cheese in a multivark


For the test:

For filling:


We take the oil from the refrigerator, grind it and pour in the flour, sugar and rub it all up with crumbs. Add the baking powder and stir again. Cottage cheese is mixed with eggs, sugar and rubbed blender. At the bottom of the multivarious saucepan pour 2/3 of the dough and slightly tamped, put the stuffing and close the remaining dough. We prepare 1 hour on "Bake".

Bulk pie with cottage cheese and jam


For the test:

For filling:


Mix the flour with the addition of sugar and baking powder. Then rub the butter. The obtained mixture is grinded to homogeneity. We divide the dough into 5 parts - 4 of them of the same size and one very small. We rub the cottage cheese with sugar powder and eggs. Deep form grease with oil, to the bottom of a smooth layer of pour ¼ of the dry mixture. With a thin layer of top we put half the curd mass and sprinkle one quarter of the dry mixture. Now lay out the layer of jam and close it with a quarter of the dough. We put a layer of grated apples, tinker with vanilla sugar and then spread another quarter of the dough. We put the remaining curd mixture and rub it with a handful of dry mixture. Bake cake at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour, and then set the temperature at 200 degrees and prepare another quarter of an hour. The cake should be cooled directly in the form, and then it is extracted and cut.

Loose pie with cottage cheese without eggs


For the test:

For filling:


Pour the flour into a bowl. Frozen margarine is grated on a grater. Hands rub the mixture to crumb, add some salt, put the soda and stir again. 2/3 of the dough is poured into the mold and pressed lightly with hands. If the jam with whole berries or fruit slices, it is better to shake with a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass. Cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and a smooth layer is applied to the dough. Top with a layer of jam. We fall asleep with the remains of the dough and level. At 170 degrees, bake for 20 minutes. Then remove it, and cut it only when it cools. Cut it into slices. Have a nice tea!