The stomach hurts and vomits

We used to neglect many manifestations of the disease, underestimating their seriousness. Such "underestimated" symptoms include stomach pains accompanied by nausea. Many write off these phenomena for poor-quality food, overwork, unfavorable weather conditions - anything. In fact, they can signal serious health problems.

The main symptoms of stomach diseases

It's one thing if the pain in the stomach and nausea have appeared once, and after one attack you have forgotten about them. And it's quite another - when such symptoms torment a person regularly. Most likely, this is a disturbing bell, to which you must take with all seriousness.

Often with diseases, discomfort in the stomach and nausea are accompanied by such symptoms:

  1. Loss of appetite is abnormal. This symptom is typical for many diseases. Diseases of the stomach are no exception.
  2. It is necessary to be cautious with constant heartburn.
  3. Pain in the stomach is often supplemented by the appearance in the mouth of an unpleasant aftertaste.
  4. With some diseases, nausea is accompanied by vomiting.

When all of the above symptoms appear, it is desirable to make an appointment with a specialist urgently.

Why can stomach ache and nausea appear?

In fact, unpleasant sensations in the stomach can not always indicate the appearance of problems in this organ. Sometimes the diseases of other organs are manifested in this way.

The causes of the appearance of nausea and pain in the stomach can be very much:

  1. These symptoms are familiar to the peptic ulcer. Some patients are tormented by severe pain, while others are able to get along with unpleasant aching sensations in the stomach. To attacks of a nausea to people with a peptic ulcer too to not get used. Many already have their own methods of dealing with the problem.
  2. Pain in the stomach, nausea and temperature - these symptoms are typical of acute poisoning (food or chemical).
  3. To cause such unpleasant symptoms can gastritis. Due to the fact that chronic gastritis does not manifest itself too clearly, many patients neglect its signs, from time to time relieving pain with an analgesic. With gastritis, the stomach starts to ache immediately after eating (especially after rough, spicy or acidic foods).
  4. Morning sickness and pain in the stomach can indicate pregnancy. The body of a woman during this period becomes too sensitive, so even fresh and environmentally friendly products can cause discomfort in the stomach. And if the future mother suffers from an ulcer, chronic gastritis or any other disease of the gastrointestinal tract, she should be ready for the fact that the disease will necessarily remind of itself.
  5. Because of problems with the cardiovascular system, such as, for example, hypertension or ischemia, frequent headaches may occur, accompanied by nausea, unpleasant sensations in the stomach.
  6. Some people are too stressed with stress. Because of nervous overstrain, the stomach sometimes also begins to ache.
  7. To show similar symptoms can diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  8. Sometimes pain due to appendicitis gives into the stomach.
  9. Nausea accompanied by some gynecological diseases.
  10. Constant stomach pain and nausea can be signs of a malignant tumor.

As you can see, simple and harmless at first glance symptoms can warn of different sometimes even very serious diseases. For the problem to be diagnosed in time, you need to regularly undergo examinations, consult with specialists.