Irina Turchinskaya - exercises for losing weight

Irina Turchynskaya is an experienced fitness trainer and thanks to her techniques, a huge number of women and men have got rid of excess weight. There are at it programs for different ages that allows to reach good results to all interested persons.

Complex of exercises from Irina Turchinskaya for weight loss

It is recommended to combine dynamic and static loads, which helps to get the desired result. In the first case, the muscle corset is strengthened, posture is improved, and the elasticity of the vessels increases. Static loading promotes energy consumption, and it also makes the muscles more hardy. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to train Irina Turchinskaya 3 times a week, and enough to spend on exercises only half an hour. Of great importance is proper breathing, so when stretching you need to inhale, and with contraction of muscles - exhalation. Exercises repeat in 2-3 circles. You need to start with a warm-up, which involves swinging your hands and feet, as well as tilting and rotational movements with your knees.

Exercises for weight loss from Irina Turchinskaya:

  1. Squat down, placing your hands on the floor (emphasis on squatting). From this position in the jump, stand in the lath (the emphasis is lying), and then, pull up your legs and again squat. After that, jump upwards, straightening the body and stretching out your arms. Continue in the same sequence.
  2. In the home complex Irina Turchinskaya recommends including an exercise - push-up from the knees. IP - take the emphasis lying, kneeling. Hands should be placed at a distance that is wider than the shoulders. The task - go down, bending your arms in the elbows and spreading them in the sides. Make sure that your back is flat.
  3. To perform this exercise, you need a chair or any other elevation. Stand in front of a chair, keep your hands on your waist, and bend one leg at right angles at the knee and put it on a chair. The task is to push the body up, raising the second leg and fully getting up on the chair. After that, lower your leg down and take the PI. If it is difficult to maintain balance, then you can keep your hands on the wall.
  4. To properly load the muscles of the press fitness trainer Irina Turchinskaya suggests doing a "corner". Place yourself on your back, putting your hands under the tip, and lift your feet at an angle of 45 degrees. Hold for 45 seconds. and gradually reach 1 min.
  5. Now we move on to static exercises, and start with a very effective and popular bar . Sit down on the floor with your hands and feet, placing them on the width of your shoulders. To emphasize the load on the muscles of the press, it is necessary to "twist" the pelvis inward. The body must form a straight line.
  6. The next exercise for weight loss, proposed by Irina Turchinskaya, is called "Varan". Sit on your stomach, bending your arms in the elbows. The task is to tear off the chest from the floor, trying to raise it as high as possible. After that, the arms bent at the elbows must be taken away from behind. Hold the position for the maximum amount of time.
  7. Place on your back, placing your hands along the body and bending one leg in the knee. Raise the second leg above the floor, about 30 degrees. Raise the pelvis in such a way that it forms a straight line with the leg. Hold the position for the maximum amount of time.
  8. This exercise is called the "Arrow". Sit on your back, stretching your arms along the body, pointing them down. The task is to lift one leg upwards so that it forms a right angle with the body. After this, repeating the movement of the arrow, move the foot first to the right, and then, to the left. It is important not to tear the pelvis off the floor during the exercise.

Irina Turchinskaya recommends that you follow a diet that excludes the consumption of high-calorie foods. It is an integrated approach that will achieve good results.