Can I warm my ear with otitis?

As you know, thermal effects increase blood circulation in soft tissues, helps relieve pain and inflammation. But with some diseases, the use of this method is very controversial. For example, otolaryngologist patients are often interested in whether the ear can be heated with otitis , if there is acute or shooting pain among the symptoms. In this case it is important to establish the form of the disease. There are three types of otitis, corresponding to the localization of inflammation - the outer, middle and inner.

Can I warm my ear with external otitis?

This type of disease is considered the easiest, since pathological processes affect only the outer part of the auditory canal. On the one hand, the thermal effect promotes the death or stopping of the multiplication of pathogenic microbes, the elimination of pain and the relief of the general condition. But the otitis has the property of rapidly progressing, passing into the middle and inner types of the disease. Sometimes this happens within a few hours, so it is impossible to determine on its own what kind of pathology is taking place. Accordingly, the expediency of thermal procedures is extremely doubtful.

If nevertheless a choice was made in favor of warming up, it is important to give preference to dry heat - rag bags with salt, a blue lamp. Do wet hot compresses at home is prohibited.

Is it possible to heat the ear with medium and inner purulent otitis salt?

These forms of the disease are accompanied not only by inflammation, but also by the accumulation of fluid (pus or purulent exudate) in the inner or middle ear. Any thermal impact in a similar situation is fraught with serious complications.

A rise in temperature in the area of ​​accumulated fluid will lead to increased blood circulation and, consequently, the spread of pus with blood flow to surrounding tissues and organs. In addition, warming provokes an intensification of the release of exudate, an increase in its volume, and in a confined space this may entail a rupture of the tympanic membrane, followed by the expiration of pus in the inner ear.

Thus, in the purulent otitis of any localization, any thermal procedures are categorically prohibited.

Is it possible to heat the ear with a blue lamp when treating otitis media?

The Minin Reflector also refers to dry heat techniques, so all of the above recommendations are relevant for the use of a blue lamp . Its use is justified only at the final stages of otitis therapy, during the recovery period. In this case, dry heat will accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and finally destroy the remaining bacteria.