How to make cottage cheese from yogurt?

Did you know that you can prepare a tasty and useful curd without any additives and impurities at home from the most ordinary kefir? Of course, you should also purchase raw materials from a trusted manufacturer and then the result will certainly please you with the excellent taste of the finished product.

Today we will tell you how to use the multivachter for this purpose and we will offer the option of cooking cottage cheese from frozen kefir.

How to make cottage cheese from milk and kefir in a multivariate?



To make the home curd got more tender, soft and just melted in the mouth, except kefir for cooking the product, we will also use milk and sour cream.

To prepare the cottage cheese in the multivark, pour kefir, milk and sour cream into its bowl in the specified proportions, mix it well, cover the appliance cover, set it to the "Quenching" mode and select the time of twenty minutes. After that, mix the contents of the multicast, change the program to "warm up" and continue cooking in it for 90 minutes.

After a while, let the mass cool down a little more, and then merge onto a folded four-fold gauze cut, fold it and hang it over a bowl in a convenient place for a while to drain the whey . It can be used to prepare a variety of delicious homemade cakes and other dishes.

How to make soft home-made curd from frozen kefir?

Home-made curds can also be made from frozen kefir. For this we pour the product into wide containers or bags and tightly seal it. This procedure is required if the product was purchased in a plastic bottles or tetrapacks. Thus, it can be easily removed after freezing. Kefir, bought in packages can be left in its original form.

Place the product in the freezer until it freezes, and then remove it from the bag or container and place it in a folded four-fold gauze or a clean cotton cloth. We bind it with a bag and hang it for at least a day over a suitable container. In the process of gradual defrosting, kefir will be divided into whey and cottage cheese. In this way we get a very soft and delicate product. From three liters of the initial product, we obtain about 500-600 grams of cottage cheese.