What do you dream about love?

From a long time ago, dreams were considered as harbingers of fate. Interest in dreams has survived to this day. There are many dream books, for example, the dream book of Freud, Vanga, Miller, Juno, etc. And many of them were written long before our birth, a pen of great people, so in their authenticity, you can not doubt. In order to find out what your dream means, it is necessary to decompose the key points, and from them to start.

What are the dreams to do for love?

The most pressing issues in this area are the theme of love. For sure, each of us is interested to know what dreams for happiness in love. So, the most common:

Now explain some of the above options. If you dream about the door, then know, love is already at the doorstep, also expect new, fateful acquaintances. Do not concede on the importance in dreams of what dreams for love, and animals. So, for example, lions will give you new relationships , dolphins - a strong marriage, storks - a happy marriage, and white rabbits will give you fidelity.

Bear represents long and strong relationships, but if your lover kisses you in a dream, then this is a sign of impending betrayal on his part. In turn, if you kiss him - then mutual love can not be avoided. A flock of wolves or a snake indicates a wedding. Also a very good sign that dreams of fast love is a nest seen in a dream is a symbol of family happiness, it will certainly bring happiness in love, early marriage and addition in the family. If winter or autumn dreams of the coming of spring - this is an unexpected love. But a quarrel in a dream can predict the impending meeting. Eating chocolate and sweets in a dream will lead to love adventures, cakes, on the contrary - to deceit or treason .