Hemostatic tablets with uterine bleeding

Do not confuse uterine bleeding with menstruation, although they are similar. Uterine bleeding is characterized by the fact that it is more prolonged and abundant, and also has no regular character. The cause may be uterine myoma, various tumors (benign and malignant), diseases of the uterus and appendages. Sometimes uterine bleeding occurs as a complication of pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition, bleeding can be associated with hormonal disorders, when the development of hormones that affect the sexual organs, one way or another does not correspond to the norm. Even more rarely uterine bleeding occurs for reasons not directly associated with the genitals. For example, it may be a violation of the integrity of the liver or in the case of Willebrand disease (problems with blood coagulability).

Treatment of uterine bleeding

First of all, the treatment of uterine bleeding is aimed at stopping blood. Then you need to find the reason and try to eliminate it. At the first stage with uterine bleeding hemostatic tablets are used. Most often with uterine bleeding, these are blood-restoring preparations Dicion, Vikasol, Etamsilat, Aminocaproic acid and calcium preparations.

In addition to pills stopping uterine bleeding, women are prescribed drugs to reduce the uterus - the most famous is oxytocin. If hemoglobin is greatly reduced from the loss of blood in the patient, iron preparations or blood components - plasma, erythrocyte mass - are prescribed to her. Necessarily in complex treatment should be provided vitamins and vasoconstrictive - vitamins C, B6, B12, askorutin, folic acid.

After such emergency measures, when the bleeding was stopped, it is necessary to prevent them from being repeated. To do this, the doctor examines the woman to identify the causes that led to bleeding.

As a rule, the course of hormonal tablets is prescribed, the intrauterine spiral Mirena is installed. If the cause in the endometrium, polyps, myome, adenomyosis or endometrial hyperplasia, appropriate treatment is performed.