Zodiac sign Aries - detailed description and compatibility with other signs

At all times people tried to learn the characteristics of their character by the date of birth. In ancient times, with such a request, they turned to alchemists and astrologers, today this information is easy to find in Internet horoscopes. Among the most striking are the sign of the zodiac Aries. Bold and energetic, accept marriage with peers, prefer creative professions.

Characteristics of the sign Aries

Aries - the characteristic of this sign is ambiguous. They are friendly people, but at the sight of injustice they can become enraged, their position is expressed openly, without thinking about the consequences. They have a lot of honesty, but there is no tact and patience, go to the goal ahead, while not paying attention to the feelings of others. The most loyal friends, but categorical truthful. Communicate with them is difficult, but you can always rely on.

Features characteristic of Aries:

  1. They are able to achieve success in their careers, are hardworking and persevering.
  2. Carried nature, who lack stability in behavior.
  3. Between money and fame they choose the latter, in the achievement of the goal they are tough, but not cruel.
  4. Do not divide the world into semitones, only in black and white.
  5. Live today, not looking far into the future.
  6. They do not know how to put up with a loss, they refuse to admit it.
  7. Lucky in art and commerce, like to boast of success.
  8. Leaders in all endeavors, next to them others remain in the shadows, but more often they choose not feasible goals.

Aries Male Characteristics

This sign of the zodiac, like Aries, has common features that fit any gender. But there are differences, because in men and women, characteristic manifestations can be expressed in different ways. Men-Aries - impulsive, addicted, ready for anything for the sake of friendship and love. At the same time they are famous for their pride, their dictatorial habits, their desire to impose their opinions on others. The Aries man is a very inconsistent sign, but not ordinary, for him it is characteristic:

Man-Aries in love retains this quality, can burn with passion, and a minute later be indifferent. He reacts to resentment immediately, if the relationship is cracked, it will have to be conquered again. Speed, swiftness, onslaught, victory - so you can formulate the life motto of this sign of the zodiac, and keep up with it is not easy. Generous and impatient, forgetful and devoted, constantly try to be ahead of everyone, to surpass oneself. And they become extremely intolerant if this fails or the situation unfolds according to a disadvantageous scenario.

Aries Woman - Characteristic

A somewhat different woman will be Aries, such ladies - independent, energetic, believe in their strength, this is similar to the men of this sign. But at the same time, very romantic, dream-able, believe in great love. For them it is still characteristic:

  1. Do not lose the brightness of appearance and character with age, carefully follow the fashion.
  2. Keep optimistic, even in difficult situations.
  3. Instantly get used to any role and sincerely believe in what is depicted, right down to the extremes.
  4. To combine passion and a tendency to idealize others, therefore in friendship and love they remain loyal.

Aries - compatibility with other signs

The question, the answer to which is often sought in horoscopes: which sign will be the best pair? Aries belongs to the elements of fire, they catch their representatives immediately, but do not always become friends, because everyone wants to remain a leader. But if a balance in the relationship is found, such an alliance will be difficult, but romantic. With mutual respect and concessions, not for one year can maintain the fire of passion with Leo and Sagittarius.

Often, the sign of the zodiac Aries finds harmony with the signs of Air, the relationship of such pairs: a fire constantly blown by the wind. There is inspiration and a cold mind, but there is no competition, Aries will always remain in the first positions. Who is compatible with Aries:

Aries - professions

Those born under the sign of Aries are often identified with their future profession from childhood, they are suitable for any area where the qualities of a leader are needed. Astrologers offer several professions that suit those whose constellation is Aries:

  1. Actors, musicians, artists - any creative expression.
  2. Military, police, firefighters - always beaten in the leadership team.
  3. Doctors, but it is better to choose a specialty of a neurologist, dentist or ophthalmologist.
  4. Teachers and lawyers.
  5. Hairdressers and make-up artists.
  6. Professional athletes, jockeys, stuntmen.

Aries is a good leader, hot, but quick-witted. He can not stand idlers, but he does not skimp on premiums to industrious employees. He squeezes out all the juices from the team, but he puts himself and it's important for him to be a leader everywhere and in everything. But as a subordinate, Aries is far from the best worker, especially if the work is monotonous and uninteresting. All the forces will begin to shirk or perform just as. But if the authorities value creativity and initiative, such an employee will try his best.

Aries - Health

Horoscopes give a layout and health, which can boast of a particular sign. Aries are seldom ill, but for a long time, with possible complications. It is difficult to treat them because the Aries man does not trust doctors, and he himself knows the methods of treatment from all the ailments. The weakest point is the stomach, so you need to follow the diet, which these people do not always agree with. The fact is that Aries will never recognize themselves defeated, therefore they will surrender to the mercy of the doctor only as a last resort. Do not suffer a toothache, but the visit to the dentist will be postponed until the last.

What other diseases are affected by those whose zodiac sign is Aries?

Sign of the zodiac Aries - element

The element of the sign Aries is a fire that gave him categorical and impulsive. Because these people act on the principle of "want", not thinking about the consequences, not always pleasant. But in case of failures, they are not particularly upset, but immediately start looking for other ways to the goal. Astrologers note that fate often favors those born under this sign, and Aries - the elements are unpredictable. A bad gift of the elements of fire can be called the desire to achieve the desired even with dirty methods. But not for all Aries is typical.

Aries is a talisman stone

Considering the fire element, the stones on the zodiac Aries will only come with strong energy: diamond, citrine, zircon. It is best to buy talismans, guided by date:

  1. From 21 to 31 March, patronizes Mars. Jasper, hematite, tiger's eye , agate, rock crystal.
  2. From 1 to 11 April, Venus helps. Amber, pearls, cat's eye, sapphire, garnet.

It is best to take red, orange and yellow gems, which will strengthen the character traits , to reduce the negative in actions suitable blue, blue and green. For the Aries woman, the best talisman is a diamond, which has always been attributed to a magical power, it represents purity. A good amulet will be a ring, a ring or a bracelet, wear advise on your left hand.

Aries is a talisman

In addition to stones, each sign of the zodiac has other talismans. Since Aries is a sign of fire, gold items will become his magical helpers, astrologers call the gold coin the best gift. There are other amulets for Aries:

Aries - tree

All the signs of the zodiac have such a charm as a tree. Astrologers determine their species by the birth decades. Aries is a sign patronized by Venus and Mars, depending on the date, so the layout will be as follows:

  1. For those who were born from 21 to 22 March - the oak, personifies the power. Astrologers advise to make a round plaque, draw an acorn on it, tie a red thread around it. You can store such a mascot in the house or carry it with you. But it is not advisable to drill a hole under an amulet and wear it on yourself.
  2. Emerged to the light from 23 to 31 March helps hazel. From the bar, too, it is recommended to make a plaque, similar to an oak tree, with the same pattern, but it can be worn around the neck like a charm, most importantly on a red string. It is believed that the walnut protects against ill-considered actions.
  3. For those born from 1 to 10 April, rowan is suitable, protection plaque is done in the same way as from hazel. It is better to choose a dragon from drawings.
  4. Those who were born from 11 to 20 April will be protected by maple. Even a herbarium of leaves is suitable, which must be tied with red or yellow threads.

The color of the sign Aries

Aries is a sign of fire, therefore loves all bright colors: burgundy, red, orange, bright yellow. At the same time, the red remains in the favor - the color of strength, of victory achieved at any cost. Astrologers believe that those who do not get this shade can tone down to pink, it symbolizes hope, softens stiffness in character. Allowed to dilute the shades of lilac.

Aries - Celebrities

People of the Aries are so bright personalities that they can not but leave their mark on history. They were glorified in different spheres of art, from a large list it would be worth noting such figures:

  1. Gary Oldman, British director, musician.
  2. Andrew Webber, the English composer.
  3. Reese Witherspoon, an American actress.
  4. Alexander Tsekalo, a Russian musician.
  5. Valery Syutkin, a Soviet and Russian musician and singer.
  6. Harry Houdini, the world famous illusionist.
  7. Rafael Santi, the great painter.
  8. Maxim Gorky, a famous Russian writer.
  9. Nikita Dzhigurda, People's Artist of the Chechen Republic.