Sage broth - medicinal properties and application

In folk medicine, a great popularity is enjoyed by the lard of sage, which has a huge list of useful properties, but there are also contraindications. It is used not only in the recipes of traditional medicine, but also to get rid of cosmetic problems.

Sage broth - medicinal properties

The folk remedy includes tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, acids, bitter substances and other important substances. All this causes the presence of a large number of useful properties:

  1. Has anti-inflammatory effect, which manifests itself both with external and internal reception.
  2. Improves the digestive system, because it stimulates the intestinal motility and improves the pancreas.
  3. Decoction of sage inside has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Due to the presence of tannins, the beverage has an astringent effect.
  4. Helps reduce the amount of glucose in the blood , so with regular use, you can reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
  5. Favorably affects the functioning of the nervous system, so the remedy is recommended for nervousness, excitability and dizziness.
  6. Helps reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood .

Sage broth for coughing

Traditional in many countries, the cough medicine is sage. It is effective because of its ability to remove sputum from the respiratory tract. Finding out how useful the decoction of sage for coughing, it is worth noting its antibacterial, astringent and antiseptic effect. In the presence of other associated symptoms, it is first necessary to consult a doctor to rule out the presence of more serious diseases.



  1. Fill the sage with hot water, boil for 5 minutes. and leave it under the lid for half an hour. At the end of the time, strain and you can add a little honey or lemon juice for taste and benefit.
  2. With a ready-made broth, rinse your throat until several times a day. If you are interested in how to drink a decoction of sage, it is worth pointing out that to consume the presented drink inside, the amount of grass should be reduced to 1 tsp.

Decoction of sage in gynecology

When treating female diseases, the plant is useful because of its ability to stop bleeding, disinfect and fight inflammation. In addition, it should be noted that the sage broth contains natural estrogen. Use it in different cases:

  1. Effective are syringings, which are useful in the occurrence of leucorrhea, inflammation, erosion and thrush. Carry out the procedure twice a day. Please note that the temperature should not be above 38 ° C.
  2. Use a sage broth in menopause, as it helps reduce discomfort and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Take a drink on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp. Last such treatment should be a month and it is recommended to repeat it three times a year.

How useful is the sage broth?

Miracle plant is used not only to treat various diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes. If you are interested in how useful a decoction of sage for women, you need to look at its composition:

  1. Borneol - fights bacteria and inflammations.
  2. Cineol - has an excellent antiseptic effect.
  3. Camphor - determines the strengthening and cooling effect.
  4. Salvin - tones up and activates blood circulation.

Decoction of sage hair

Presented folk remedy can be used to moisturize and nourish ringlets. With regular application, you can cope with dandruff and prolapse, and reduce inflammation. Broth from a sage for hair promotes activation of growth. Use it to rinse after washing your head. Recipe standard 1 teaspoon of grass for 1 tbsp. boiling water. Note that the broth stains blonde hair in brown, so blondes do not fit this remedy.

Decoction of sage for the face

Simple in preparation, but an effective folk remedy is effective in treating various dermatological problems. The broth tones and fights with various rashes. With its help, you can remove coarsened cells, remove toxins, strengthen the lymph flow and strengthen the facial vessels. With frequent use of a decoction of sage for the face will be an excellent prevention of aging.



  1. In the enamel pot put the sage, pour it with boiling water and cook at minimum heat for 15-20 minutes, but no more.
  2. After this, turn off the fire, cool and strain. Pour into a suitable bottle and it is better if it has a dispenser.
  3. The broth of sage should be used twice a day, and with acne up to five times. You can freeze it and use ice to wipe it.

Decoction of sage for weight loss

The plant is not only healthy, but also for the figure. People who want to lose weight, can use a decoction of sage as an auxiliary. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improves metabolism and digestive system, and it also satisfies hunger well. There are several ways how you can use this folk remedy:

  1. Intake . Sage will be an excellent addition to different dishes, giving them not only the original flavor, but also the taste. As for how to take a sage broth, then drink a drink between the main meals. The daily dose should not be more than 3 tbsp.
  2. External application . Well-proven medicinal baths , for which you need 3 tbsp. Spoon the crushed leaves with a liter of liquid and boil for 10 minutes. Decoction of the broth, and pour into the bath. It is also recommended to pour sea salt.

Decoction of sage - contraindications

It is possible to speak about useful properties of this plant for a long time, but one should not forget about contraindications.

  1. Decoction of sage is forbidden to use by women in the position and breastfeeding, since in the first case this can cause a miscarriage, and in the second - to reduce lactation.
  2. You can not use such folk remedies for children who are under 14 years old.
  3. Although the broth is useful for coughing, with strong respiratory spasms it is not recommended to take it.
  4. Do not forget that there is a group of people who may have an individual intolerance, which manifests as nausea, allergies and other unpleasant symptoms.
  5. Decoction of sage leaves is forbidden for epilepsy, acute kidney disease, with problems in the thyroid gland and low blood pressure.
  6. It is important to comply with the dosage indicated in the prescription, as uncontrolled use of folk remedies can cause harm. After the course of admission, there must be a mandatory break.