Expectorant herbs

To cure a cough, it is necessary to clear the lungs in which the mucus has accumulated - in this case the harvest of herbs that gently and at the same time contribute to cleansing is very helpful.

Herbs of expectorant action are numerous - they can be collected independently and harvested, or they can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to drink plant-based teas at least 4 times a day, but you need to choose the time of reception so as not to cause a cough at night - about 3 hours before bedtime, you need to drink the last portion.

Also, to treat coughing with herbs, you can do warming up inhalations, if you are not worried about fever, this will help to warm up the bronchi and provide them with useful substances due to plant vapors.

Expectorant herbs for dry cough

If the cough is dry, then it requires collection with plants that dilute sputum and promote mucus formation. If this is not done, then you can achieve a complication of dry cough - tracheitis .

First of all, for the treatment of dry cough you need to fulfill the main requirement - to drink as much liquid as possible. If you suffer severe attacks of cough, then a decoction with melissa or mint is useful. In the tea you can add lemon and honey - this will increase the body's resistance.

Inhalation based on eucalyptus will soothe the inflammatory process, and the tea made from elecampane will facilitate the formation and removal of sputum. Unlike the aggressive action of licorice root, elecampane gives a mild effect, and therefore it is advised to take the medics if the cough has not yet become wet.

The best expectorant herbs for bronchitis, if accompanied by a dry cough, are mother-and-stepmother, mint, oregano and chamomile. Camomile should be combined with any of these herbs - it disinfects well, removes inflammation and heals wounds.

Mint calms and promotes the formation of mucus, and mother-and-stepmother and oregano irritate the tissues and help to sputum.

What expectorant herbs are shown with a damp cough?

When there is a wet cough, then in the treatment you can use herbs that stimulate it.

The first expectorant herbs from cough in this case are the root of licorice, marshmallow, calendula and elderberry.

Licorice root can be brewed in the form of tea, do inhalations on its basis or at all - chew. It is rich in vitamin C and promotes a speedy recovery. Taking the root of licorice in the early days of the disease, you can prevent complications in the form of a cough.

The root of the althaeus is also famous for its expectorant effect. In addition, it dilutes sputum, which facilitates coughing attacks.

Calendula is famous for its wound healing properties and stimulation of the immune system.

Expectorant herbs in pneumonia should have a soft effect, as well as the properties of activation of immunity. To do this, St. John's wort and sage - when they are used together, you get a drug with a calming effect on the mucous membrane, and along with it it has a mucolytic property.

The above mentioned herbs can be used both in the form of tea and in inhalations. Breathe over the steam for at least 15 minutes, but do the procedure when after it does not have to breathe cold air.

Expectorant herbs for smokers

For smokers, it is important to take herbs that neutralize the irritating effect of tar and nicotine. For this, broths based on mint, motherwort and lemon balm are used. Eucalyptus inhalations, as in the case of dry cough, will be useful here.

Expectorant herbs

Expectorant charges are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Breast Collection No. 1 contains:

Breast Collection No. 2 contains:

Breast gathering number 3 contains:

Breast Collection No. 4 contains:

Fees can be purchased at the pharmacy or manufactured independently.