Aspen bark with diabetes mellitus

Although aspen is officially not included in the list of medicinal plants, it is widely used in folk medicine.

Treatment of aspen bark of diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease requiring daily intake of medications to maintain normal functioning. The aspen bark, like any other herbal preparation used in diabetes mellitus, can not serve as a substitute for medicines, but is used exclusively as an auxiliary therapy to normalize metabolic processes.

The most effective aspen bark in type 2 diabetes mellitus (not insulin-dependent), when the body still produces the necessary hormone, and the effect of phytopreparations, can stimulate the production of insulin, have a beneficial effect on the pancreas. With insulin-dependent diabetes, the effect of herbal preparations on blood sugar levels is extremely low, and they are generally recommended only for restorative effects, due to the content of biologically active substances.

How to drink aspen bark in diabetes?

As a medicine for diabetes, a decoction of aspen bark is usually used. To prepare the broth, take a young green bark, dried and crushed to a powdery state. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which the night is insisted in the thermos bottle. Drink broth on an empty stomach, no less than half an hour before a meal.

In addition, you can prepare an infusion of fresh bark, which is filled with water in a proportion of 1: 3, insist at least 10 hours and drink the same scheme. The course is designed for 2 months, after which the treatment can be resumed after a month.

With gastritis, the aspen bark should not be used. Or you can drink a decoction of a few sips throughout the day, be sure after eating. In addition, constipation and dysbiosis are contraindications to the use of aspen bark.