Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days

Most modern married couples decide to have a child with great responsibility. To date, there are a variety of courses in preparation for pregnancy, where you can improve your physical and mental health, as well as correctly plan the appearance of the baby. Nevertheless, for many couples, pregnancy is an unexpected event. Regardless of how the conception occurred - accidentally or planned, every woman wants to know as soon as possible whether she is pregnant or not.

Determine the presence of pregnancy can be on different grounds. The most common method is a pregnancy test. Most tests give an answer to the question on the first day after conception. But, basically, women resort to this method when they find themselves in a delay in menstruation. If the monthly does not occur, it means that the expected pregnancy period is about two weeks. In this regard, many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question "When are the very first symptoms of pregnancy manifested?" .

Depending on the sensitivity and individual characteristics of the body, a woman may feel some of the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. Physicians identify two groups of early pregnancy symptoms, which are called probable and probable.

Presumptive symptoms are the first symptoms of pregnancy after conception. These include:

These pregnancy symptoms may appear in the first days after conception. But they, too, can manifest themselves with other changes in the body of a woman. That's why doctors call them hypothetical.

Probable symptoms of pregnancy appear within one to fourteen days after conception. These include:

Since the symptoms listed above can indicate other conditions, they should be considered only in the aggregate. Many women have no symptoms during the first to fourteenth day of pregnancy. Others - feel only some of them. Knowing what are the first symptoms of pregnancy, a woman can determine her position almost the day after conception.

In addition to the test, a reliable method for determining pregnancy at an early stage is a blood test for HCV. Just like during the test, fatty foods and alcohol should not be consumed before the test.

When a woman has the first symptoms of pregnancy, you can make ultrasound to be sure. This method is able to determine the presence of pregnancy, starting from the seventh day after conception. To date, there is no unequivocal opinion of doctors on the safety of ultrasound at such an early date. Therefore, this study is recommended only with the most urgent need and suspicion of ectopic pregnancy.