
Many of us have heard about the lake with the amusing name of Titicaca, but not everyone knows where it is and what is interesting. Let's find out! Our article will tell you everything about the famous pond.

Lake Titicaca - general information

Titicaca is located on the border of Bolivia and Peru , between the two ridges of the Andean mountain system, on the plateau Antiplano. The lake itself is divided into the Tikuin Strait into two sub-basins - large and small. Lake Titicaca has 41 islands of natural origin, some of which are inhabited.

Going to Peru to visit Lake Titicaca, keep in mind: the climate here is not hot. Titicaca is in the mountains, and at night the temperature drops to + 4 ° C in winter and + 12 ° C in summer. In the afternoon, near the lake, it is slightly warmer - respectively + 14-16 ° C or + 18-20 ° C. The water of Titicaki is stably cold, its temperature is + 10-14 ° C. In winter, near the shore, the lake often freezes.

Sights of Lake Titicaca

There is something to see, and besides the picturesque landscapes. Among the main attractions of the lake and its environs the most popular are:

  1. Isla del Sol (The Island of the Sun) . This is the largest island of the lake, located in its southern part. Here, curious tourists come to look at the Sacred Rock, the Fountain of Youth, the maze of Cincan, the steps of the Incas and other ruins of the reign of this ancient tribe.
  2. Cane Islands Uros . On the shores of the lake, the cane reeds grow in abundance. From it, a local Indian tribe Uros manually construct houses, boats, clothes, etc. But the most surprising thing is that the Indians live on floating islands, woven from the same reed. There are more than 40. There are more than 40 such islands. The "life" of each island is about 30 years, and every 2-3 months the inhabitants need to add more and more cane stems so that the floating island does not sag under the weight.
  3. Isle of Taquile . This is perhaps the most hospitable island of Titicaki. Its inhabitants are friendly, the food is tasty, and the culture is very curious. Takuile ​​Island has long been famous for the masterful manufacture of handmade textile garments, very high-quality and high-quality.
  4. Island of Surikui . Located in the Bolivian part of the lake, this island is inhabited by specialists in the ancient art of building reed boats. These swimming means are so perfect that they can cross even the Atlantic Ocean, which was proved by the famous traveler Thor Heerdal.

Interesting facts about Lake Titicaca

There are numerous legends about the unusual lake of Titicaca, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Scientists say that earlier the reservoir was located at sea level and was a sea bay, and then as a result of the shift of rocks rose up with the mountains. 27 rivers flowing into Titicaca and water from melting glaciers made the lake fresh.
  2. The reservoir is a kind of record holder: in South America, Titicaca is the second largest lake (Maracaibo takes the first place). In addition, there is the largest volume of freshwater resources on the whole continent. The depth of Lake Titicaca makes it possible to use it as a navigable reservoir, by the way, one of the highest in the world.
  3. Not so long ago in the lake were found amazing artifacts: massive sculptures, the ruins of an ancient temple, a piece of stone pavement. All this - the remnants of an ancient civilization that lived on the shores of the lake before the Incas. It is noteworthy that these items (blocks of stones, tools) have a perfectly flat surface that can not be overcome even by modern technology. And at the bottom of the lake, they found terraces for growing crops, apparently created before our era!
  4. The origin of the name Titicaca is rather curious: in translation from the Quechua language, "titi" means "puma", and "kaka" means "rock". And indeed, if viewed from a height, the shape of the pond is like a puma.
  5. On Lake Titicaca is located Bolivian Navy, numbering 173 small ships, although access to the sea Bolivia has not since the Pacific War of 1879 - 1883 gg.

How to get to Lake Titicaca?

Sightseeing Titicaki is possible from two cities - Puno (Peru) and Copacabana (Bolivia). The first is the usual Peruvian city, tourists characterize it as rather dirty and unpresentable. But the second is a real tourist center with numerous hotels, restaurants and discos. In the vicinity of Copacabana there are also archaeological sights connected with the civilization of the Incas.

Cane islands can be seen coming from the Peruvian city of Puno by boat, which is easily accessible from Arequipa (290 km) and Cusco (380 km) by public transport or a rented car . "High season" on Lake Titicaca falls on June-September. The rest of the year is not crowded and cool, but no less interesting.