Dyshidrosis of the hands

If you saw that the hands are covered with incomprehensible light pink bubbles, do not be afraid. It can be a dyshidrosis or a wateryard. It is not an infectious disease. Thus, the body signals that problems have appeared in the work of some of its organs.

What is dyshidrosis?

Dyshidrosis begins to appear on the palms of the hands or on the inside of the fingers. The main symptoms of this disease are:

There are several types of this disease:

A distinctive feature of true dyshidrosis is that after the top cover of the skin is renewed new vesicles do not appear, and with eczema they continue to appear until the necessary treatment is performed and the problem that caused the onset of the disease has been eliminated.

The causes of dyshidrosis on the hands

This disease develops most often in spring or autumn for the following reasons:

How and what to treat dyshidrosis on the hands

The way it is possible to cure the dyshidrosis of the hands is completely dependent on the factor that this illness caused. After all, in this way the body tries to get rid of accumulated poisons or from the consequences of a heavy psycho-emotional state (stresses, depressions, overwork).

Having addressed to the dermatologist for treatment of a dyshidrosis on brushes of arms or hand, to you can register:

Even if such treatment helps to remove the acute form of dyshidrosis, this will not guarantee that after a while there will not be a relapse of this disease. Therefore, after the therapeutic treatment, we should take preventive measures.

How can I avoid dyshidrosis in my arms?

First of all, it's important to follow a special diet:

  1. Exclude salt and food allergens (if food allergies are present).
  2. Limit fruits (citrus fruits, strawberries, melons, raspberries), eggs, tomatoes, sweets (especially honey and chocolate), dairy products, pickles, spices.
  3. Introduce vegetarian food in the diet: vegetable soups, cereals, sunflower and olive oil, potatoes (boiled or baked), fresh cucumbers.

Further it is useful to observe such recommendations:

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  2. Avoid stressful situations.
  3. When working with chemicals (even detergents), wear gloves on your hands.

Having found out on your hands the symptoms of dyshidrosis, you should immediately contact a doctor - an allergist, an endocrinologist, a dermatologist, a neurologist and a gastroenterologist. This is necessary for a comprehensive diagnosis of the body. The examination will help to determine the existing problems in the work of organs, prevent deterioration of health and the emergence of a disease such as dyshidrosis.