Salad of pancakes and chicken

Perhaps the phrase "pancake salad" sounds somewhat exotic for us, but believe me, it's worth trying this dish, as you instantly love it. Delicate and delicate pancakes are able not only to make your dish the most original and beautiful on the table, but also to increase its nutritional value.

Salad with pancakes, chicken and cucumbers



Dissolve the salt in water and add garlic to the solution. In salted solution, put the chicken fillet and leave it for 30 minutes. Marinated meat is placed on a baking sheet, covered with foil and sent to a preheated oven to 180 degrees. Bake the fillet for 30 minutes and leave to cool completely. Chilled chicken cut into strips, or disassemble the fibers.

Now let's take the rest of the ingredients. Onions cut into the most thin rings and pour boiling water, let the onions stand for 10 minutes, then drain the liquid, and rinse the onions with ice water and dry with paper towels. Eggs whisk and poured into a pan in small portions, fry on their basis thin pancakes. Pancakes roll off rolls and cut into thin strips.

Thin straws also cut the cucumber and the stalk of celery. Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl and season with mayonnaise. Ready salad with chicken and egg pancakes is cooled in the fridge, and after it is laid out on the tartlets and served to the table.

Salad of pancakes with chicken fillet



Chicken fillet boil in salted water until cooked, after which we cool and disassemble the chicken into fibers. Onions cut into half rings and pour a solution of vinegar with water (1: 2), with adding a pinch of salt and sugar. Onion rings should be held in such a marinade for 20-30 minutes, after rinsing with cold water and drying.

For egg pancakes, whisk with a pinch of salt and pour into small frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry thin pancakes on both sides, and then roll into a roll and cut into strips.

Mix chicken with pancakes and onions and season with mayonnaise. Finished pancake salad with chicken should be cooled first, and then served on lettuce leaves, decorating the dish with olives or greens.