Blue nails

As you know, nails reflect the state of human health, so any changes in them should be perceived as an excuse to go to the doctor and examine the body. Normally, the nails have a flat surface, a regular shape and a pale pink color. Let's try to figure out what color change of nails can mean, namely, if the nails are blue.

Blue nails on the hands or feet - reasons

Among the reasons for this phenomenon - the most diverse.


This is one of the most common causes of blue nails. With a strong bruise, the nail plate can change color completely. It is an extensive hematoma under the fingernail. After a minor blow, a blue stain can form on the nail.

Wrong manicure or pedicure

With an unsuccessful cutting cuticle or burrs, you can injure the nail plate, which also sometimes turns blue, as well as grooves on the nails.

Substandard products for nails

The use of overdue or containing many harmful components of nail polish, as well as liquids to remove varnish, can not only lead to a change in the nail shade (blueing, yellowing), but also to exfoliation, destruction of the nail plate.

Wearing tight shoes

Inconvenient shoes, squeezing the toes, are also often the reason for the blue nails.

Some medications

It has been established that the treatment with certain medications can affect the coloration of the nail plates and cause them to become blue. This applies to antimalarials, minocycline, silver nitrate.

Disorders in the work of the liver

If the nails are blue at the base (near the socket), this may indicate pathological processes in the liver (for example, it can be hemochromatosis ).

Wilson's disease

Blue nails can be a symptom of a congenital metabolic disorder of copper (Wilson's disease), leading to violations of the central nervous system and internal organs.

Poor blood circulation

If the blue color first gets a nail, and then begins to turn blue and finger, this can serve as a sign of an acutely developing circulatory disorders. As a result, tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen, which can be very dangerous.

Congestive heart failure

With this pathology stagnation of blood in the veins, which leads to blue, both nails and skin.


Another reason for the appearance of a blue color on the nails is the presence of a fungal infection. When the nail fungus is also observed deformation and thickening of the nail plate, itching, unpleasant odor.