Treatment of gout with exacerbation

Gout is a chronic, intractable disease that was discovered even under Hippocrates. As a result of disruption of purine metabolism, uric acid salts accumulate and are deposited in joint tissues and near them. Because of this, inflammation begins and treatment of gout is required during exacerbation. The disease causes deformity of the joints. But the most unpleasant thing is that the symptom is accompanied by very severe pain.

Treatment of gout with exacerbation at home

In order to get rid of all the manifestations of the disease, you do not need to go to the hospital. To be engaged in treatment, after it will be appointed by the expert, it is possible and in house conditions. Therapy consists of two main stages:

Gout is so complex a disease that it is impossible to cope with it immediately, unfortunately. And the concept of "arresting an attack" does not mean a momentary relief from pain, but a reduction in the time of painful sensations. If you do not do anything at all, the symptoms may not disappear for two to three weeks. A treatment of gout with exacerbation at home will reduce this period to two or three days.

The patient must always comply with bed rest. The extremities suffer from the disease most often. They should be kept in an elevated position for the period of treatment. To do this, you can simply place a pillow under the sore arm or leg.

Much is not recommended. The patient's diet should be severely curtailed. Leave in it liquid porridges and light broths. A liquid - preferably one that contains alkali: oat broth, mineral water or ordinary purified water with lemon juice, milk, natural jelly - should be consumed more.

To treat gout exacerbation on the big toe, arm or any other joint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used - Indomethacin, Nimesulide , Diclofenac or Movalis. Ordinary painkillers with a disease such as gout, usually do not work very well. Drink NSAIDs until the attack does not pass.

Rheumatologists can also prescribe the following drugs for the treatment of gout in the period of exacerbation:

  1. Colchicine. This alkaloid does not allow the granulocyte to be divided at the cellular level, interferes with the migration of leukocytes, and prevents salts of uric acid from lingering on the joint tissues. You need to drink it in the first twelve hours after the onset of the attack - the medicine is used for emergency help.
  2. Cortisone, prednisolone and other glucocorticoids. Such medications very quickly neutralize the inflammatory process, but at the same time they are beaten by immunity.

To avoid treatment with gout during an exacerbation

There are several tips that will help to avoid drug treatment for gout during an exacerbation:

  1. The patient must have a minimum load on the joints.
  2. Patients with gout should not smoke, drink alcohol, abuse caffeine and soda.
  3. It is necessary to allocate time for regular physical activity and to control weight.
  4. On the day should be sure to drink a couple of liters of purified water.
  5. It is important to follow a diet. You can not eat fatty meat and fish, spices, grapes and its derivatives, legumes, fat, butter. And dried fruits, eggs, chicken, light fish, nuts, vegetables in the diet should be added to the contrary.

Of the traditional means for treating gout with exacerbation, warm baths with iodine and soda are considered to be the best. In them, the joint should be kept for twenty minutes. And after it is lubricated with lugol and wrapped for the night.