Female intuition - what is it, how to learn to listen, develop, improve?

Women's intuition helps the beautiful half of humanity to protect themselves and their loved ones from unpleasant events, find their soul mate, buy winning lottery tickets and be at the right time in the right place and not commit unnecessary useless actions.

Female intuition - what is it?

What is intuition? Translated from Latin intuition - contemplation, means the ability to penetrate the meanings of event series, insight, unexpected conclusion, insight. Female and male intuition is there any difference? It is believed that a woman is more sensitive to the perception of information from the subconscious, because she has a more developed right hemisphere responsible for intuitive perception.

Intuition as a form of cognition

How does intuition participate in cognition? Specifically, it is sensuous and mystical, it does not give in to logic and rational thinking and therefore often causes doubt and mistrust. For intuitive knowledge of the world, the subconscious is responsible, and in this cognition is closely intertwined: feelings, thinking, sensations, perception. In science, intuitive illumination or cognition is a process where, when studying a phenomenon closely, the missing link suddenly pops up in the scientist's thinking, putting all the "dots over i".

Female intuition in psychology

Women's hypersensitivity and intuition are of great interest to specialists, the subject of intuition is devoted to research and many facts confirming that following your instinct helped to avoid many troubles, to make the right decision - give reason to consider intuition as a worthy phenomenon. Female intuition - psychology with scientific language explains this by the manifestation of the ancient instinct of self-preservation.

How to use intuition?

How does female intuition manifest in life? The feeling of vague anxiety in response to some important life circumstance, but modern women often do not attach much importance to this feeling, unlike the older generation of women, when following the inner voice was a matter of survival in difficult conditions, it is important to learn how to hear your own intuition.

How to hear intuition?

The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to focus on our experiences and feelings and how to test intuition, when the voice of reason and rationality drowns out and suppresses glimpses of the inner voice - it's very easy, we need to realize that for a long time there was no contact with that part of ourselves that helps make the right decisions and there have been many mistakes recently. It's time to re-learn to trust and make friends with your inner flair.

How to learn how to listen to your intuition, simple ways:

Intuition or paranoia - how to distinguish?

How to distinguish intuition from an obsession? Paranoid thoughts are viscous and heavy, arising for no reason, they exhaust the person, strengthening every day disturbing rest and sleep. Intuition is a very delicate instrument, it comes in silence and the "voice" of it is calm and more often expressed in short sudden tips: "Do not go there!" Or "you must definitely be there!". "Do not hurry!", "This is what you need!". Sometimes there is anxiety, and it is possible to distinguish from paranoia only by the intensity of the experience, paranoia does not allow to "breathe", panic grows.

In general, it can be said that intuition manifests itself as a heavy, pressing premonition, so it is difficult to distinguish, it is important to calm down and remember if such moments were in life when obsessive thoughts were a manifestation of intuition, and miraculously a man escaped tragic events due to the fact that refused to travel, did not go to the meeting.

How to develop intuition?

How to develop your intuition yourself and open up a fount of resources that the female subconscious hides? This requires faith and lack of skepticism, as well as conviction in favor and practice, practice, practice - any worthwhile task worthy of investing in the form of persistent interest and time, all this will pay off with visible improvement in all life spheres and will give confidence in oneself.

Development of intuition - exercises

How to improve intuition? Any skill needs practical actions done every day, so if there is a desire to improve your life through a developed intuition, you need to pay attention to the sixth sense, the following simple exercises will help in this:

  1. The right hemisphere is responsible for intuitive abilities and some actions that are performed by the right hand should be shifted to the left hand, for example, brushing teeth, drawing, typing on the keyboard - all this will strengthen the right hemisphere and intuitive abilities will improve.
  2. This exercise is familiar to many since childhood, when someone asked to guess in which hand the object is located, it is worth remembering it, for this to ask close people to clamp a small object in one of the palms and place their hands behind their back, and they can be pulled forward. Exercise can be complicated in the future, choose 3 - 5 items and ask another person to one of these objects to clamp in the palm of your hand, the task to feel what kind of thing and what hand it is.
  3. When the phone rings, try not to immediately look at the screen to catch a feeling who it can be.
  4. Before going to bed, it is useful to do the following practice: take a sheet of paper and a pen, put them in a prominent place near the bed, ask a question to your subconscious, starting with the simplest ones and going to bed. When you awaken to remember the dream in the smallest detail, record everything and analyze the dream, it is important to remember that the dream gives us hints in the form of symbols - the task to experience these symbols.

Women's intuition - books

How to strengthen intuition - today there is no lack of information about it, and books can be an excellent help in order to start strengthening this natural quality. Useful literature on the development of female intuition:

  1. " The Power of Female Intuition" by A. Sokolov . The author gives convincing evidence of how developed intuition helps to live a full life, to be in the right places at the right time, to avoid troubles and to feel people.
  2. "Woman's intuition. How to develop and improve the invisible gift. " V. Khamidov . The phenomenon of female intuition, how does it affect the woman herself, is it all equally? With the help of psychological tests presented in the book you can test yourself for having a sixth sense.
  3. "Practical intuition in love" by L. Day . The author shares in his work how with the help of developed intuition one can find his soul mate.
  4. "Self-teacher for the development of intuition." L. Day . The practical value of the book is great, it presents simple and increasingly complex techniques how to hone your intuition to hypersensitivity.
  5. "Presentiments in modern life" VB Jin . Since ancient times, people have been very attentive to the arising anxious feelings before the beginning of any business, and women have never let down their inner flair. In modern women, intuition is often ignored and there is more reliance on the mind, so there are so many mistakes. Again, to begin to trust your intuition will help the exercises and practices presented in the book.