Gray feces

Cal is the remnants of undigested food and waste products, excreted from the body. Its normal color varies from yellow-brown to dark-brown. The change in stool color can be associated with eating a large number of certain foods or a sharp change in diet. But in the event that the diet has not changed, a change in color and consistency of the stool indicates a disease, sometimes quite serious.

Cal light gray

The normal color of fecal matter is associated with the presence in them of already processed bile, first of all such a bile pigment as sterocilin. Discoloration of feces to light gray or white color usually indicates a violation of bile flow into the intestine. This can happen in the following cases:

In addition to diseases, the appearance of gray feces can be caused by the use of a large number of fatty foods, the intake of barium preparations, anthracites, antibiotics and antifungals, gout medications, valproic and acetylsalicylic derivatives, and some oral contraceptives.

In addition, a discoloration of the stool may indicate an allergic reaction, especially in pregnant women.

Cal of dark gray color

Dark gray feces, sufficiently liquid, with an extremely unpleasant putrefactive odor, usually indicate a disturbance in the digestive process.

Such a chair can be a symptom of such pathologies:

  1. Putrefactive Dispersion - a problem with digestion, which arises from the violation of secretory functions digestive tract and decrease in acidity of gastric juice, as a result of colonization by the pathogenic flora of the thick and some parts of the small intestine.
  2. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, in which a significant amount of hydrogen sulphide and methyl mercaptans is formed. Often accompanied by flatulence .

Also, a change in stool color may be a sign of acute intestinal dysbiosis, resulting in insufficient digestion and digestion of food. In addition to changing the color of the stool, most diseases can be accompanied by a swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, a belching, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, periodic pains.