Treatment of thrush at home

Probably, few of the women at least once in their lives did not experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush. It is classified as a sexually transmitted disease. Although thrush is not at all a venereal disease, and fortunately, for today the treatment of this disease is not difficult and can take quite a bit of time.

The causes of thrush in women

Treatment of thrush at home, usually carried out with antifungal drugs. But sometimes you can do without expensive medications. Everything depends on the cause of the disease. So, the reasons for the appearance of thrush:

There is also a risk of thrush in combination with other, more dangerous, diseases of the genitals. Therefore, for accurate diagnosis of thrush you need to pass the necessary tests, recommended by a gynecologist, and only then start to eliminate the problem.

The first signs of thrush in women

Fungi of the genus candida, which cause thrush, can peacefully exist in the body all life, without manifesting themselves. But under the influence of any factors, they begin to multiply intensively. This is how the thrush begins. Its first signs:

At the stage of development of the disease, the discharge becomes more dense. Later they begin to resemble pieces of cottage cheese with an unpleasant smell. The itching becomes worse.

Prevention of thrush in women

To avoid the unpleasant sensations associated with thrush, you need to fully monitor the general condition of your body:

  1. The intake of vitamins in the off-season will help to avoid hypovitaminosis, which will not give reasons for weakening immunity.
  2. Proven reliable personal care products will maintain a stable PH level in intimate areas.
  3. Some consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse can be "neutralized" by soda douching.
  4. Comfortable underwear made from natural materials will not create additional conditions for the development of thrush.

Treatment of chronic thrush in women

If the symptoms of the disease have already manifested themselves at least once, there is a risk of transition of thrush to chronic form. At the same time, you can get sick from a slight hypothermia against the background of a decreased function of the immune system, and also simply changing the means of intimate hygiene. Some women with chronic thrush feel its symptoms at the end of each month cycle. During the treatment of thrush at home, you need to adhere to some scheme for the effective and complete disposal of this disease:

Frequently used drugs for treatment of thrush are antifungal suppositories and tablets of strong action, destroying the protein structure of the candida fungus. To restore the normal acid-alkaline environment in the vagina, topical preparations based on the licorice root are used, which is the main component in the popular treatment of thrush in women. A restoration of microflora is carried out with probiotics in the form of suppositories.

How is thrush treated in women?

To clean the mucosa from a fungal attack, douching is used. To do this, you can use a soda solution. Douching with a solution of baking soda is carried out 2-3 times a day. The solution is prepared from 1 tsp. soda and 1 liter of boiled water. Getting rid of the curdled discharge eliminates the painful itching until the next douching. There are cases, that a thrush at women after treatment with a soda and at all passes or takes place. Act as follows:

  1. In 1 liter of boiled water add 1 st. l. baking soda and 1h. l. iodine.
  2. The solution is poured into the pelvis and sit in it for 20 minutes.

This procedure should be repeated daily for 5-6 days. The disappearance of excretions and itching does not yet mean the complete disposal of thrush. After the absence of symptoms, treatment should be continued for at least 2 more days. This method is ideal for thrush in pregnant women, when treatment with aggressive antifungal drugs is contraindicated.