Why is the pregnancy, and the test is negative?

Quite often, women who know about their situation, think about why there is pregnancy, and the test is negative. Let's try to understand this situation.

Because of what the result of the test can be false-negative?

Often, even with the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy , which the woman herself notes at herself, the result of the pregnancy test is negative. There may be several reasons for this.

First, any rapid test can not be 100% reliable. Both false positive and false negative results can be noted.

Secondly, a direct explanation of why a pregnancy test shows a negative result may be a short gestation period. It is necessary to say that any research of this kind does not make sense earlier than 14-16 days after the date of conception. It is by this time that the concentration in the body of the hormone reaches the value that is necessary for the reaction.

Thirdly, the time of day plays an important role. This study is best done in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the body of the future mother is maximal.

In order to understand why the test for pregnancy with a delay is negative, you need to turn to a gynecologist. In such cases, the probability is high that the violation of the menstrual cycle and the absence of secretions is caused by a gynecological disease, rather than by pregnancy.

It is also necessary to note the following factors, which can explain why the current pregnancy test shows a negative:

What should I do if I have a negative test if the woman is completely sure that she is pregnant?

In order for a woman to understand why signs of pregnancy are, and the test is negative, in such cases it is necessary to turn to a gynecologist. Perhaps the girl was waiting for pregnancy for such a long time that she feels that she is in a position, because of some changes that she did not notice earlier.