How many calories are in the omelette?

Omelette is considered to be the easiest and fastest cooking dish, based on eggs and milk. All other ingredients can be absolutely any, everything depends on your imagination and preferences. Omelet with sausage, cheese, vegetables, variations of this dish can be plenty, but many fans of this dish are interested in whether its use on the figure will not be reflected.

How many calories are in the omelette?

Scientists have identified an average caloric value: for 100 grams of omelet is 184 kcal. However, these data may vary, because everything depends on the composition and method of cooking this dish. A classic omelette on an egg and milk fried in butter for 100 g will have 128 kcal. A caloric value of an omelet from two eggs, with the addition of tomatoes and onions, for example, will be 151 kcal. The most "weighty" version of this dish is a cheese omelet, its indicator per 100 g is more than 332 calories. Also, the calorie content of the omelette fried in a pan will be significantly higher than that prepared in the oven or in the multivariate.

Omelet for weight loss

Omelette can be considered an excellent diet dish, if, of course, it is properly prepared. To do this, you must follow the following tips:

The most important thing is to refuse frying. We all know perfectly well that in fried foods there are enough carcinogens that negatively affect the liver and promote weight gain.

Add greens to the omelette. The use of basil, dill , parsley has a positive effect on the digestive system, besides fresh greens is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess fat.

Prepare an omelet from egg whites. The calorie content of this dish without the use of yolk is only 85 kcal. Therefore, with a diet such an omelet will be an ideal food option.