Coughing of the vagina

With this situation, when for some unknown reason itches the vagina, almost every woman came across. At the same time, it is not always possible to accurately and quickly understand why this symptomatology suddenly appeared. Let's try to understand and name the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Because of what itching can be noted in the vagina?

Immediately it is worth noting that the reasons for which a woman has a vaginal itch can be very diverse. In most similar situations, this phenomenon is a symptom of a gynecological disorder. Let's name the most common of them:

  1. Inflammatory process that causes itching. These can be candidiasis, gardnerelez. At the same time, it must be said that most of their violations are accompanied by vaginal discharge, which can often have an unpleasant smell.
  2. The second most common cause, explaining the fact that a woman strongly itches the vagina, are sexual infections. Among such it is necessary to call chlamydia, triomoniasis, genital herpes.
  3. Tumor formation in the reproductive system can also be accompanied by itching in the vaginal area. With these disorders, there may be pain in the lower abdomen and excretion.
  4. When a woman has itching to enter the vagina, first of all it is necessary to exclude such a phenomenon as an allergic reaction. It can develop after using, for example, new, previously unused hygiene products.
  5. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina is also accompanied by itching. Such a violation can be caused by either a change in the hormonal background or prolonged use of antibacterial drugs.
  6. Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene can also lead to a woman's itching around the vagina.
  7. However strange this may sound, it is not unusual for a girl to have an itch in the vagina as a result of strong experiences. An example of this can be psychogenic itching, which is worse when removing underwear.
  8. The influence of external factors can also contribute to the appearance of itching in the region of the vulva and vagina. So, some women note his appearance after hypothermia.

How to behave under similar phenomena?

Not always a woman knows what to do if the vagina is scratched. First of all, you need to see a doctor to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon.

Before visiting a gynecologist, a girl can alleviate her suffering by carrying out frequent sweating using a plant antiseptic such as chamomile. If possible, it is necessary to change the underwear as often as possible, after 3-4 hours.

When itches inside the vagina, the girl can be advised to use special cotton-gauze tampons, which are moistened in a solution of furacilin, for example. This drug helps purify the vaginal cavity of pathogenic bacteria.

Thus, as can be seen from this article, there are many reasons for the appearance of itching in the vagina. That's why it's very rare for a girl to determine what could have caused his appearance on her own. Only after passing the examination and taking tests for the microflora of the vagina, you can establish the nature of the disorder. Therefore, you should not try to cope with this problem on your own. After all, this is often just a sign of a gynecological disease requiring treatment. In such cases, the woman can only follow the appointments and recommendations of the gynecologist, so that she will permanently get rid of the itch in the vagina.