Oncocytology of the cervix

Any woman is simply obliged to monitor her health, and this applies equally to both general and gynecological directions. One of the most common diseases "in a feminine way" is cancer, the struggle with which is occupied by a huge number of doctors and scientific husbands around the world. Probably, that's why such an analysis as oncocytology of the cervix is ​​considered extremely important, because it gives a chance to detect precancerous and cancer cells.

Analysis for oncology of the cervix: what is it?

Physicians mean by this examination examination of the uterine neck and vagina for the presence of cancerous formations in them. In addition, particles are taken from both layers of tissue covering the cervix. The resulting biomaterial is carefully and slowly studied under a microscope. Having discovered the unnatural processes occurring in the organs under investigation, physicians can promptly offer a woman to undergo appropriate treatment, giving a chance for a full recovery.

How is a cervical smear done on oncocytology?

Such a study should be extremely accurate, which requires a woman and her doctor a certain degree of preparation. The manipulations preceding the fence analysis are not complex. A woman can not undergo oncocytology if she has menstruation or a genital disease, which is inflammatory. For a couple of days before the study you need to give up sex, do not use hygienic tampons, vaginal creams or ointments, do not take a bath, limiting yourself to a shower. And even an urgent trip to the gynecologist can prevent the fence of the material, so it is better to register for oncocytology in advance, well, or a couple of days after the visit to the women's consultation.

The procedure itself takes place on the usual chair in a gynecologist and consists of plucking a microscopic piece of uterine neck tissue with special tools. A woman may feel a slight discomfort, but it is connected, most likely, with inner feelings. Oncocytology is a completely painless, non-traumatic and fast procedure that does not violate the structure of the upper layer of the cells of the uterine mucosa and its cervix.

Decoding of cervical cancer oncology

After the laboratory specialists receive the collected material, they begin to study it carefully. To receive results oncocytology of a neck of a uterus it is possible only in couple of weeks. If the smear analysis shows that all the cells collected have an identical structure and characteristics, then there can be no talk of cancer. If oncomarker cancer of the cervix found at least some slight deviations from the norm, the results of the study will be recognized as positive. This situation is the reason for another study, after which they begin urgent treatment. Upon completion of the basic course, the woman will need to undergo oncocytology again, which will show whether there are positive changes and whether the number of cancer patients has decreased.

Who needs to undergo oncocytology?

Such an analysis is recommended to all women who have reached their majority. With all this, the study is relevant not only in case of revealing some signs of the presence of the disease, but also for the prevention. If the gynecologist has detected symptoms of uterine cervical cancer , then oncocytology is prescribed forcibly, but only the woman will decide whether to pass it or not. Such a study is also relevant for those women who have experienced serious birth trauma, or are in an "interesting situation", proceeding without complications.