Exercises for the back on the ball

Fitball is an indispensable attribute in the life of those who strive to form a beautiful posture, to give health and youth to the spine, and to strengthen the dorsal corset. Exercises for the back on the ball not only relieve us from back problems, but also help to destroy the vestibular apparatus, because on the fitball you always need to keep your balance.

Exercises on the ball can be part of exercise therapy in scoliosis, osteochondrosis and hernia. Also with the preventive purpose it is possible to replace a chair or an armchair with a fitball. Even the usual sitting on the gym ball is an exercise for the back. Next, we'll look at the main exercises on the gymnastic ball for the spine.

Complex of exercises

  1. We lay down on the ball with our chest, our feet rest against the wall. Hands bent at the chest, elbows can be moved aside. We rise on inspiration upwards, on exhalation we fall downwards. We finish the exercise in the straightened position - 8 repetitions.
  2. From the final position of the previous exercise, we make turns with the head, we try to see the heels - 4 times on each side.
  3. We go down chest on fitball, hands do not hold, hands are straightened along the trunk. We rise without hands on inspiration, we fall without hands on an exhalation - 8 repetitions.
  4. We swim with brass. We go down on the ball, hands straight before you on the breath. On exhalation we rise upwards, we start hands back - 15 repetitions.
  5. We go down to the ball, we lower our hands to the floor, legs from behind on toes. Bending your arms, we stretch your face down, your legs are not tearing. Stretch the entire spine, neck and legs.
  6. We lay on the ball, stretch the right hand forward. Rising, we put the right hand back, and the left pull up. Repeat 10 times for each hand.
  7. We go down on our knees, the ball in front of us. Hold on to the ball with our hands, stretch forward - the pose of the child. Relax the spine.

Doing these exercises several times a week, soon you will get rid of a constant feeling of fatigue in the back, pain, and your posture will become royally seductive.