MRI of cerebral vessels

This method is a safe and highly effective method of investigation. The main advantage of MRI of cerebral vessels before computed tomography is to obtain a clearer image, thanks to which it is possible to identify the disease at the first stage. The method is widely used in neurosurgery and neurology for examination of adults, children and even pregnant women.

What is the MRI of the brain?

Magnetic resonance imaging provides two-dimensional and even three-dimensional images of arteries, veins and surrounding tissues. This technique allows you to obtain the necessary information about the presence of pathologies.

By deciphering the MRI of the brain, atherosclerosis, vasculitis and other possible disorders are determined. With the help of special programs identify the main indicators, such as the nature of blood flow and spasm of the arteries.

Indications for MRI of the brain

Surveys are recommended for patients who have such problems:

Preparation for MRI of the brain

The procedure itself does not require special preparatory measures, unless a pelvic examination is performed. Before tomography it is necessary:

  1. Change into a special robe that will not contain metal elements.
  2. It is also important to remove jewelry, hair clips, dentures.

Metal can degrade the quality of images, and the generated magnetic field can disable the equipment.

Before the procedure it is important to inform the doctor about the presence of metal prostheses, heart valve or implants in the teeth.

How is the MRI of the brain done?

The duration of the procedure is from thirty to sixty minutes. While the patient is in a stationary position, the scanner located above his head transmits the image to the computer located in the next room. Communication with the doctor is supported by means of the built-in microphone.

MRI of the brain with contrasting allows you to get more detailed information about the brain. Prior to the procedure, a special contrast agent is injected intravenously, which enters the bloodstream, concentrating in the presence of tumors and affected tissues.

Contraindications to MRI of the brain

Tomography is strictly contraindicated to the following groups of individuals:

Caution should be exercised when examining, in such cases:

The x-ray doctor will analyze the patient's condition and immediately before the procedure will decide on its conduct.

Is it harmful to carry out MRI of the brain?

About cases of side effects in tomography is still unknown. Since the survey does not use ionizing radiation, it can be repeated without fear. There may be signs of claustrophobia due to the patient being in a confined space. It is important to warn in advance about the presence of such a phobia doctor.