How to dry oranges for decor?

New Year and Christmas we all associate with the smell of mandarin, orange and cinnamon. And in addition to the fact that we are accustomed to using citrus on holidays with kilograms, we can use them in festive decorations. This New Year's decor will not only be original and beautiful, but also incredibly fragrant.

Orange slices for decoration

To use the orange for the New Year's and Christmas decor, it needs to be dried beforehand, and we'll figure it out now how to do it. By the way, in addition to oranges, you can use lemons , limes, tangerines and small grapefruits. The combination of different in the shades and sizes of the lobes will look great in the overall picture.

"How to simplify and quickly dry oranges" - you ask, the answer: "In the oven!". Although, in principle, you can do this in an electric dryer. In any case, the citrus must first be cut into thin slices, each with a napkin to remove the juice that comes out. Slices should be no more than 2-3 mm thick, then they turn out transparent, do not lose color and are dried evenly.

Then lay out all the lobules in one layer on the baking sheet covered with parchment. Dry in the oven should be at a temperature of 160 degrees and wait for them to dry completely. The process takes a lot of time, and to accelerate it, you can slightly open the oven door so that the moisture evaporates faster. A couple of times during the drying process, the baking tray needs to be removed and cooled, then re-sent to heat.

The second option is to leave oranges in the oven for the whole night, only the temperature should be much less - about 60 ° C.

If there is a dryer, everything is much simpler, and the lobules do not burn. Then as in the oven for this you need to constantly monitor. Ready-made slices can be used for a wide variety of ornaments.

Oranges with cinnamon for decoration - dry on battery

Another good option is to dry citrus on the battery. And in order not to be afraid that all our wealth will collapse inadvertently over the radiator, we need to build a special dryer.

For her, we need two boxes of 10x30 cm, two pieces of corrugated cardboard 10x2 cm, two stationery clothespins and an awl. We hole the big cardboards with holes, the holes should be close to each other. Then we glue corrugated pieces of cardboard from both ends.

Between the two cards we put cracks of citrus, spreading them at some distance from each other to avoid them sticking together during the drying process. Lightly sprinkle with cinnamon slices for a scent. Fix the entire structure on the sides with clothespins. Now the dryer, "tucked" with citrus, can be sent to the battery.

With this method of drying, a much larger number of blanks are placed in the batteries at the same time, in addition, the lobes themselves are not arched, but perfectly flat, which facilitates their use in the future.

If you place the dryers not on the battery, but between them, then you do not need to turn anything - everything is evenly dried on all sides.

Dry oranges for decor between the batteries need about 3 days. If the lobules were too thin, they could stick to the cardboard. In this case, carefully podderem them with a stationery knife. In doing so, remember that the dry slices are brittle, so act neatly.

Of the dried translucent segments of citrus, you can make stunning compositions, composing them with spruce sprigs, spices such as cinnamon and hot pepper, ribbons, buttons, beads. They can decorate candles, and you can make an original gift package.

The options for the New Year's decor of dried oranges are just mass. We bring to your attention the most interesting compositions, which are not difficult to make by themselves.