Shampoo "Doctor" for dogs

Some dogs are more prone to skin irritation and allergic reactions. But even breeds resistant to such problems may sometimes need additional skin cleansing, for example, in the treatment of parasitic lesions. It is for such cases and invented shampoo "Doctor" for dogs.

Shampoo "Doctor" for dogs with birch tar

Zooshampun "Doctor" for dogs can be a real rescue for those owners whose pets are prone to itching, allergic reactions, acne and similar skin lesions. If you initially acquire a puppy of the breed, which is often prone to such diseases, it is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that you will have to select permanent uhodnye means that allow both to clean the dog's fur and to deal with possible problems. It was for such dogs that the "Doctor" shampoo with the addition of natural birch tar was invented.

This component gives an additional cleansing of the dog's fur and, at the same time, is responsible for the long-term and high-quality moistening of even the most sensitive skin. This shampoo affects the production of sebum, stimulates the regeneration of damaged veils, reduces the risk of pathogenic microflora formation on the skin surface, which can lead to undesirable dermatological reactions. In this shampoo "Doctor" with tar also removes bad odors and perfectly cleanses even the long coat of the animal.

It is the version of the shampoo "Doctor" with the addition of birch tar suitable for permanent use. Use it you need, like any other shampoo. Apply to damp wool , foaming, thoroughly massage the skin of the dog, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure should be as necessary. If on the skin there is already severe irritation, then after the first wash, apply the shampoo to the coat and leave it for a while (about 5-7 minutes), and then wash it off with water. In this case, the frequency of application also increases. You can wash the dog with an interval of 1-3 days until the symptoms of skin irritation disappear completely, and then you can switch to your usual mode of caring for the pet's fur. The only contraindication for using a shampoo with tar "Doctor" is the individual intolerance to animals of its components.

Shampoo "Doctor" for dogs without tar

The therapeutic shampoo "Doctor" for dogs has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Therefore, it is recommended not to apply all the time, but when the dog has some kind of skin lesions. Such course application is explained by the fact that with prolonged use this variant of "Doctor" shampoo can cause skin peeling itself, which is not necessary for dogs, for which it is already too sensitive. Among the side effects of prolonged use, there is also some bleaching of the skin.

However, to care for the skin during exacerbation of allergic reactions or treatment of parasitic lesions of the dog, this shampoo is simply indispensable. It is used in the following way: first, wash the dog with shampoo once as usual, then apply the "Doctor" a second time and leave the foam on the skin for 10-12 minutes, so that all the medicinal components can act. After that, wash the shampoo with plenty of water. Apply "Doctor" should be after 1-3 days, or when the dog's hair is dirty. This shampoo is produced in 100 ml bottles, it is a gel of white color. To buy both "Doctor" and "Doctor" with the addition of tar soap can be in veterinary clinics, zooptaches and numerous Internet shops.