Vegetarian food

Vegetarian food is a type of food based on the refusal to eat meat of animals, and sometimes of products of animal origin in general. There are both supporters and opponents of this system, because, like in any other food system , there are pluses and minuses here.

Pros and cons of a vegetarian diet

The benefits of vegetarian food are great, and many studies prove it. For example, vegetarians:

However, such a system has its drawbacks. Not all people use the right vegetarian food, and in fact it involves the replacement of animal proteins with vegetable proteins. If this does not happen, there is a lack of iron, zinc, vitamin D and B12.

Balanced Vegetarian Food

To eat as a vegetarian and not harm the body, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Pay attention to this option:

  1. Breakfast : porridge with fruits and nuts, tea, honey.
  2. Lunch : a salad of fresh vegetables, a bowl of soup with mushrooms / vegetables / pasta / peas / beans, a slice of whole-grain bread, mors;
  3. Snack : a handful of nuts, a fruit.
  4. Dinner : ragout of vegetables with mushrooms / pea puree / beans with sauce / mushrooms with cereal garnish + tea.

If you allow the use of cheese, milk and eggs in the menu, use them daily, as it is the source of animal protein, and at the same time, of the B vitamins . If these products you do not recognize for yourself, take vitamin supplements in addition, which will compensate for the shortage of these substances.