Kalanchoe degremona - the fineness of care and planting at home

The flower of Kalanchoe Degremona has not only a beautiful appearance, but also heals many diseases, has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, haemostatic properties. It is often grown at home as a decorative and healing culture, the care of such a plant is easy and simple.

Flower Kalanchoe degressonum

The Kalanchoe degregon plant has the appearance of a standing shrub 50 to 70 cm high, refers to succulents. On the thick stalk of the flower grow fleshy grayish-green leaves of a pointed oblong form, in their juice and contains many useful substances. Kalanchoe degremona - important medicinal properties:

  1. Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.
  4. Has astringent, hemostatic effect.
  5. It is used for healing of eye ailments, otitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis.
  6. Used in the treatment of purulent infections - furuncles, ulcers, purulent wounds, pressure sores.

Kalanchoe degremona and pinnate - differences

If we compare degremona with pinnate calanchoe (which is also considered curative), then the leaf blade of the first has a darker color. Its stems are much lower, they can even spread, so when they grow a bush they use a support. A distinctive feature of Kalanchoe degresson is the presence of numerous brood buds ("babies") along the edges of the leaf plate. These are tiny plants with small roots and leaves. With their help, the flower multiplies in the home.

Kalanchoe Degremona - home care

The Kalanchoe Degremona plant is unassuming, caring for it is very simple. For successful growth, the culture needs bright lighting, but avoid direct sunlight on the foliage. Grow Kalanchoe degremona in a well aerated earth substratum consisting of humus, leaf earth and sand in equal proportions. In spring, a flower is better to pinch to increase branching, and after flowering - to prune, otherwise the plant will grow ugly and grow.

How to water a Kalanchoe?

The Kalanchoe plant is succulent, Degremona accumulates moisture in leaves and can withstand drought, survive even in the most unfavorable conditions. But the stagnation of water acts disastrously on him. If the Kalanchoe is waterlogged, its roots may start to rot, the culture will suffer from rot and fungi. Irrigation duggemon should be moderate, it is different at different times of the year.

During the procedure, the soil is wetted abundantly, so that the water soaks thoroughly with an earthen lump. To avoid a bay, you need to select the correct frequency of the procedure. On the question of how many times to water the Kalanchoe the answer is unambiguous - between moistening the clod of earth should dry well. In summer, the plant is moistened approximately every week, in winter - every 10-14 days.

Kalanchoe degremona - flowering

If the plant is taken care of properly, the Kalanchoe Degremona beautifully blooms with pink or red inflorescences. Pleasure bright buds only adult crops in late autumn or early winter. Inflorescences of tubular flowers with rounded petals, reaching 2.5 cm in length, appear abundantly on the tips of peduncles. For this type of Kalanchoe, pruning is important. Flowering weakens the plant, so after it all the old parts of the bush are removed to stimulate the further growth of young shoots.

Kalanchoe Degremona - Reproduction

At home, Kalanchoe Degremona can multiply in several ways:

  1. Cuttings. A healthy stem is cut off the tip. If cuttings have air roots, they can immediately be planted in pots. If there are none, then the cut off stems remove the lower leaves and leave it for a day to dry the cutting site. Then the process is placed in a moist substrate to a depth of 3-5 cm for rooting.
  2. Leaves. A healthy leaf is cut and buried in the ground, covered with a jar or glass. Soon a young plant will form from it.
  3. "Children." This method is the simplest, new plants, falling off the edges of the leaves, already have roots, their rooting occurs quickly. Kalanchoe Degremona - how to put the baby right:
  1. It is necessary to collect a few young plants and plant them in flat containers of large diameter, filled with a mixture of peat and sand.
  2. The container should be covered with a film and make holes small for airing.
  3. When the shoots take root, they are seated in separate pots.

Kalanchoe Degremona - the leaves twist

Problems with the plant immediately reflected on its leaves - they twist, turn yellow, fall off. With such signs it is important to understand why this is happening and what to do to save the flower. Kalanchoe - causes of leaf disease and treatment of twisted plates:

  1. Problems with the root system. Often this is due to excessive watering. When caring for Kalanchoe, one should adhere to the moistening regime and the basic rule - it is better not to add more water than pour. To save the bush, it must be taken out of the pot, rotten places should be cut off, and the cut places should be treated with charcoal. The Kalanchoe root should be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted in fresh soil.
  2. If the leaves are not just curled, but are colored in burgundy color - the plant receives a lot of light or even worse - it is in direct sunlight. It needs to be rearranged to a less lit place and sprayed from the spray gun.
  3. High nitrogen content in the ground. It is better to transplant the bush into a substrate containing peat and a large amount of sand.
  4. Lack of moisture. It is necessary to monitor the regular watering of the plant and spray its foliage from the spray.
  5. Presence of aphids . It sucks the juices out of the plant, the leaves first twist, and then fall off. For treatment, damaged areas of the flower are cut off, the rest of the bush is sprayed with soap or insecticide . It should be processed once a week for a month.