Adenovirus infection - symptoms

Adenovirus is a viral infection that occurs in an acute form with moderate intoxication. It affects the mucous membranes of the intestine, eyes, respiratory tract, as well as lymphoid tissue. The most common symptoms of adenovirus infection occur in children, but adults can also undergo this disease. The virus is transmitted from a sick person or carrier by airborne droplets and is spread everywhere. The incidence is active all year round, and in the cold season reaches a peak and more often everything occurs "flashes".

Symptoms of Adenovirus Infection in Adults

On average, the incubation period is 5-8 days, but it can vary from one day to two weeks, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The main symptoms of the disease:

The signs of adenovirus infection can also include:

In more rare cases, diarrhea or pain occurs in the epigastric department. The posterior wall of the pharynx and the soft palate are slightly inflamed, may be edematous or granular. Tonsils loose and enlarged, sometimes they show a thin whitish film, which is easily removed. Submandibular and sometimes axillary lymph nodes are also enlarged.

Manifestation of conjunctivitis in adenovirus infection

After infection with the virus about a week later the disease manifests itself as acute naso-pharyngitis, and after 2 days signs of conjunctivitis appear on one eye, in another day or two on the second.

In adults, unlike children, film formation on the conjunctiva and edema of the eyelids with increasing can occur less often. With this disease, the mucous eye turns red, a little transparent discharge appears, the sensitivity of the cornea decreases, and the regional lymph nodes increase. When the follicular form in the eyes on the mucosa may appear small or large bubbles.

Also, the cornea can be affected, in combination with catarrhal, film or purulent conjunctivitis, an infiltrate may develop in it, which resolves only after 30-60 days.