Portulac - growing out of seeds, care characteristics

Among the florists is very popular porcelain, cultivation of the seeds of this "flower decorative rug", attracts not only beauty, but also its healing qualities, helping in the fight against many diseases, wounds and snake bites.

Portolac flowers - types

Portulac can be found on garden sites very often, landscape designers use it as a ground cover plant, forming a solid, green carpet replacing the lawn . Portulac, growing in the wild, has about 200 varieties, cultivated species only two:

Portulacus multiplies by seeds in most cases, especially under favorable conditions, self-seeding occurs. Planting seeds in the open ground can be made in warm, southern areas, but in the middle band, many flower lovers prefer to sow the seeds of the pearl-lobule on seedlings, and then plant it in the open ground. Seedlings of pestilence are sown in late February-early March to grow seedlings.

Portulak - planting seeds in the open ground

Planting of the pestilence and growing it from seeds in the open ground is carried out after there is no danger of frost. In southern regions this time comes in the beginning or middle of May, in the middle (and also in Siberia and the Urals) - in late May, early June. Sowing the seeds of the seal on the open ground, choose solar patches, because the plant is thermophilic, loves well-lit and dry areas.

In order for seeds to germinate successfully, the temperature should not be less than + 22-25 ° C, and the soil is strongly moistened. The increased humidity will lead to the fact that the plants will stretch out, they will bloom badly and will not give seeds. Portulac is able to multiply by seeds independently, throwing them out of ripe boxes. In this case, we must ensure that it is not overgrown and not wild.

How to plant a seagull with seeds?

The gardeners have a little secret on how to properly plant a seagull with seeds: they are sown, mixed with sand, on top of a prepared, well-moistened soil, in which there should not be peat and organic. Portulac, the growing of the seeds which best occurs in mini-teplichkah, which look like a small aquarium made of plexiglas and covered with polyethylene or a transparent glass lid, grows most quickly.

Being very shallow, the seeds of the pestilent are planted superficially, for this purpose shallow grooves are made, at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, the seeds are slightly pressed to the ground, not sprinkled and sprinkled with water from the nebulizer. After about 3-4 weeks, when the seeds germinate and become a strong seedling, dive , and slightly moisten the soil, very neatly, using a spray gun.

When to sow the seeds of a pestilence in an open ground?

Portulac flower is light and thermophilic, it is not frost-damp, so do not rush with its landing in the open ground. Seedlings planted in late May - early June, sprout together after 7-10 days at a daily temperature of 25-30 ° C, grow slowly in the first 2-3 weeks, need constant attention. If the seeds have risen well, and the sprouts appeared to be crowded, they should be planted. Often gardeners sow different sorts of seeds, mixing them, such a landing has a highly decorative appearance.

After planting, the garden perforation needs care, which consists of periodic watering, so this unpretentious flower is very fond of lazy or busy people. It does not require loosening of the soil, frequent watering, it does not need seasonal fertilizing. To the portahan abundantly and continuously bloom, did not waste energy on the appearance of seeds, help the plant to get rid of faded flowers.

Flowers of pearl-lime - growing from seeds

Growing and caring for a pestilence in the open ground requires minimal time and effort. The main attention is paid to the following agrotechnical moments:

  1. The soil. Planting in a slightly moistened sandy, sandy loam or rocky soil.
  2. Watering . The amount of moisture should be very moderate, the plant does not suffer from drought.
  3. Top dressing . Portulacus does not need it, since fertilizers only contribute to the growth of green mass.

Portulac - care features

The peculiarities of caring for a pearl-lobed can be attributed to the quality that is not inherent in most flowering garden crops - this is the minimum attention and time spent on it, it is only necessary to take into account several points:

  1. Location. The maximum illuminated place, otherwise the canola can not blossom.
  2. Temperature. This flower is used to a hot climate, but a slight cold snap can not hurt him.
  3. Watering. It is desirable to moisten the soil, but, not allowing an excess of moisture.
  4. Diseases and pests. Very resistant to disease, pests almost do not bother him.

Care of the parselapol in the garden - watering

The conditions for growing portolac can be equated with Spartan, the plant easily tolerates prolonged droughts. In hot weather, when the soil is thoroughly dry, it can be watered abundantly, but it should be borne in mind that an excess of moisture can provoke the appearance of a fungal disease in the plant. Watering should be done no more often than once in 5-7 days, warm, sheltered water, because of abundant watering, the flowering and ripening of the seeds can later come.

How to grow a sea buckthorn from seeds - top dressing?

Garden culture portolak, growing of seeds, it is best to produce in the area where vegetable crops grew, they will saturate the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The secret to growing portolak can be considered that this plant absolutely does not need rich, fertile soils and fertilizing. Fertilizers introduced into the soil can lead to the fact that the buildup of green mass will intensify, and the purlure will cease to bloom. If the soil on the site is heavy, then as a fertilizer use only charcoal, make it necessary until the seeds ripen and get them into the soil.

Portulacus flower - diseases and pests

Providing comforting cultivation to Portulacus is not difficult, portralak feels perfect almost in any conditions, this plant is not afraid of diseases and pests. Incorrect landing, adverse climatic conditions (prolonged rains) can sometimes lead a flower to illness. In rare cases, a fungal disease that deforms the shoots and leaves spots on the leaves may become a danger to the seal. In this case, it is necessary to remove the damaged parts of the plant and treat it with a fungicidal composition containing copper.