Structure of consciousness

Consciousness is the most complex structure of human psychology , which consists of the elements of consciousness itself and their connections. Before proceeding to a detailed examination of its constituent parts, it should be noted that consciousness is a reflection of objective reality and necessarily includes volitional processes, mind and feelings.

Structure and functions of consciousness

The elements of consciousness include: personality, its properties; processes of a mental nature and the state of the person. In addition, the mind includes:

Each of the above components is closely related to each other. So, if we talk about the predominant part of consciousness, then it is the mind, which is both a condition and result of human cognitive activity. He finds its manifestation in logic, imagination, imagination , providing mutual relations between people, their common activities.

Also in psychology, the structure of consciousness is thought, which is the basis of knowledge. All of the above is united by one concept of "knowledge".

The attitude demonstrates the activity of each of us, the reaction to reality events, including the feedback of the person and the surrounding reality. It has a fine line with experience (the emotional states of a person, his feelings). Personal relations reflect the relationship of the individual with the objects that surround him, situations, phenomena. An objective type of relationship is created when there is a group of people and manifests itself in the form of domination, subordination, dependence on someone, etc.

Experience includes emotions experienced by the person as a result of perception of reality. It is the emotional part of consciousness that remains an unexplored phenomenon to this day. A person throughout his life has a huge influence from various events, objects: fear, comfort, delight, pleasure, etc. It is worth noting that well-being also makes up the emotional side of the human psyche. Each emotion reflects our relation to images (they can be: phenomena, objects, events, people, society as a whole).

Feelings, in turn, also constitute the psychological structure of consciousness. They are a reflection of our attitude to the world. Thanks to emotions, feelings, personality gives an assessment of the surrounding reality. They are expressed through speech communication, and therefore, the more richly, the more colorful, the better developed a person's consciousness.

Formation of the structure of human consciousness

It consists of 4 levels of knowledge:

  1. Conscious knowledge (for example, you consciously make a decision to learn to write pictures, learn this, thus acquiring the necessary creative skills).
  2. Unconscious ignorance (you do not know how to draw, like Salvador Dali, and it does not upset you at all).
  3. Conscious ignorance (you have no idea what an easel is, but you understand that you need to learn how to draw).
  4. Unconscious knowledge (taking a brush in hands, draw masterpieces, let's say, "on the machine").

Structure of consciousness and self-awareness

Self-consciousness is the highest level of clarity in the structure of consciousness. Due to self-awareness, you are able to understand your own "I", influence society, understand your role in it. It helps the person to analyze and evaluate personal knowledge, skills, behavior, deeds, thoughts. This is the main condition for self-improvement. Knowing yourself in relationships with others, you correct your self-consciousness, because exactly collectivism is its highest form.