Planting of panic hydrangeas in autumn

Hydrangeas are incredibly beautiful and original perennials. Best of all, they look exactly in group individual compositions, and far from other plants hydrangeas feel themselves most well. Much depends on proper planting and care. The planting of hydrangea seedlings in autumn is no less popular than the spring one, and, if observed, will give excellent results.

Rules for planting hydrangeas in autumn

Typically, recommend planting a panic hydrangea in the fall in the middle band, where the plant will not have time to go to growth, but before the winter can grow stronger and survive successfully until the onset of spring. Planting a panic hydrangea in autumn will suit you provided that you wish to observe the first flowering of shrubs next season. The second reason why they recommend planting a panic hydrangea in the fall in the middle band is the heat-loving nature of the plant. In cold regions, it is best to plant in the spring after the frost has gone.

Planting paniculate hydrangeas in autumn occurs in several stages:

  1. The first step is to prepare the planting material. Cut the seedlings will be in the period from May to early June. We are looking for a stiff shoot with five buds. Cut with a clean sharp knife and lower the seedlings in a container with a solution of "Kornevin". Approximately a week will be needed for the appearance of the first small roots. When the roots enough to grow, you can plant the seedling in a shady place. There the hydrant seedling will spend time until the time of planting in autumn.
  2. As a rule, the planting dates for hydrangeas fall in September, depending on the region. If you abandon the method with an aqueous solution of "Kornevin" and immediately decide to plant the seedling in the soil, then it is desirable to pre-treat the well with this preparation. Just by September, the seedlings will take root.
  3. For the prepared planting material we select a place with an openwork shadow and good fertile soil. Ideally, this is a small mound, where you can lengthen the layer of drainage and ensure the escape of excess water.
  4. The pit should be approximately 50 cm in diameter, its depth is about 30 cm. Since the bushes will actively grow and develop, they need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, in the pit should be added compost with mineral top dressing, as well as manure. If there is no elevation on the site and it is necessary to plant in the lowland, the bottom of the pit is necessarily lined with stones and broken bricks.