Fertilizer urea - application in the garden

Recently, the harvest in the suburban area is not happy? So, it's time to learn that a fertilizer called urea has long been used not only in the garden, but also in the garden. Using his competent use, you can get excellent results.

The composition of urea as a fertilizer

Urea is a commonly known name for the chemical carbamide. It is also called carbonic acid diamide, but in a highly specialized environment. Ogorodniki also know that urea refers to nitrogen-containing fertilizers - 45% of the total mass. It is synthesized from inorganic substances and has a wide range of applications. White or transparent crystals of the substance dissolve in water and are used for irrigation and spraying or they are added to the soil in the initial state.

How does urea work?

Not everyone knows what kind of fertilizer is urea. It refers to nitrogen fertilizers, which, perhaps, are considered almost basic in the life of plants. Getting into the soil in the form of crystals, the fertilizer turns into ammonium carbon dioxide or gaseous ammonia. It is he who positively influences all vegetative parts of the plant. So, urea is popular because it:

How long can urea be stored?

The shelf life of such fertilizer as urea is unlimited. Although the warranty period is 6 months on the packages. How long this fertilizer can be used depends to a large extent on the storage conditions. Store urea in a carefully closed container or unpackaged bags.

If the drug will be in contact with air, then in the course of time its concentration will decrease significantly, and hence, useful properties will decrease. But still you can use urea indefinitely for a long time.

When does it become necessary to use urea?

Everyone knows that an overabundance of nutrients in the soil can also adversely affect plants, as well as a defect. That is why it is necessary to feed plants with urea as necessary and in clearly limited quantities. Fertilize the garden "in reserve" can not in any case.

But there are critical situations when the extraordinary use of urea is justified. You need to get the treasured bag with crystals when you notice that the plants:

  1. Do not grow, being almost in the same condition as when planting (concerns seedlings of tomato, cucumber, eggplant, zucchini).
  2. The leaves began to turn yellow, dry or fall off.
  3. The ovary falls.
  4. Pests were detected.
  5. There are weak, elongated shoots, small leaves, there is a violation of photosynthesis.

How to use urea as a fertilizer?

The use of urea by spillage on the surface is ineffective. Within a few days, the drug, in contact with soil microorganisms, passes into a gaseous state (ammonium carbonate) and simply disappears. That's why carbamide is better to penetrate into the soil or at least a little sprinkle. In addition to pouring granules, carbamide is used in a dissolved form for direct infusion to the root.

The fertilization of fruit and berry and vegetable cultures with urea begins in the spring and lasts the whole period of vegetation. During this time 3-4 treatments are usually carried out. You should also know about the property of urea slightly acidify the soil , therefore it is recommended to simultaneously add lime to it (half a kilo of urea - 0.4 kg of lime or chalk).

One cubic meter of planting for different plants uses a different amount of the drug: