Unabi - useful properties and contraindications

Unabi, he is a zizifus, he is also a French breast berry, he is also a Chinese date. This fruit is a real find for folk medicine. As with any real medicine, which can safely be considered this fruit, unabi has indications and contraindications for use. The Chinese date is able to get rid of a huge number of diseases, but, unfortunately, due to some peculiarities of the composition, not everyone can test the effect of the ziphyses on themselves.

Healing properties of unabi plant

One of the main advantages of the Chinese date - its unique composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, catechins, carotene, coumarins. In fruits, unabi contains a few dozen times more vitamin C than in lemon, but the dates are much more pleasant to taste. Eating several fruits of the ziphysus a day, you can strengthen the immune system, supplement the body with calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and other necessary elements for normal functioning.

The plant is able to preserve useful properties in any form: cheese, boiled, fried. For this he was loved not only by physicians, but also by many culinary specialists of the world. It should be noted that there are a lot of medicinal properties in Unabi:

  1. Dates and medicinal products on their basis allow to rejuvenate the body and clean it from harmful toxins, slags. Unabi helps to eliminate cholesterol and excess fluid from the body.
  2. The fruits of the ziphys help to cope with poor health at increased pressure .
  3. Chinese dates make the body toned and improve appetite.
  4. The useful properties of unabi help the plant to relieve inflammation. Due to this dates are often appointed for the treatment of bronchitis, colds, cystitis, nephritis.
  5. Zizifus easily solves problems associated with the nervous system. A few eaten fruits of the plant will help to overcome insomnia, calm down, relieve stress.
  6. Nutritionists recommend using the healing properties of unabi to all those who are dieting. Dates - a low-calorie product, which nevertheless contains all the necessary minimum of useful substances - an indispensable tool. Among other things, the fruits of unabi control and normalize if necessary metabolism.
  7. With the help of ziphysus, you can cure most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. The fruits of this plant can even cope with dermatological problems. Ointments and decoctions on the basis of Chinese dates contribute to the early healing of purulent wounds, small cuts and abrasions.

And this is far from a complete list of useful properties of the inconspicient at first glance unabi: it can be chewed with toothache and used as an anesthetic, pregnant zizifus helps to transfer labor easier, and lactating mothers are appointed as a means to enhance lactation.

Contraindications to the use of unabi

The Chinese date is, of course, very useful, but there is a dark side to this fruit:

  1. It takes a very long time to digest.
  2. When you abuse unabi, you may have a headache.
  3. Pereev dates at night, you can spoil your holiday.

As with other drugs, unabi, along with useful properties, have contraindications:

  1. It is not recommended to be carried away by treatment with ziphythis to hypotonic patients - the plant effectively lowers the pressure, which in this case is absolutely undesirable.
  2. Means prepared from the dates bone, can not be taken by pregnant women.
  3. Unabi leaves are cool anesthetics, and therefore, after chewing them, you can temporarily lose the opportunity to taste sweet taste. It is interesting that while salty and acidic tastes are felt just fine.
  4. Because ziziphus - the fruit is very sweet, overeating it is fraught with diabetes .