Shugaring bikini

The regular removal of undesirable vegetation from the body is for all the fair sex. Epilation allows you to do this much less often. A shugaring bikini, not only increases the break between the procedures, but leaves behind a gentle and very pleasant touch on the skin. Of course, the method has some drawbacks. But many women neglect them - too good a result after such an epilation.

Advantages of bikini zone shugaring

The name of the procedure speaks for itself. Shugaring involves the use of sugar to remove unwanted vegetation. Preliminary of the sweet sand is preparing a special mass. It can be used for epilation of different zones, including the deep bikini area.

The principle of the procedure is simple. Shugaring bikini is based on the possibility of sugar paste to stick to the body and quickly wither. In this case, the sweet mass neatly envelops all the smallest particles, which are then easily removed from the surface of the body.

The main advantages of the bikini area slouching are:

In addition, during shugaring, the skin is cleansed of dead particles, but healthy cells are not damaged. And even during the sugar epilation can not get a burn, as happens in the case of wax or other compounds.

Doing shugaring bikini at home or in the salon is shown in such cases:

  1. This method is ideal for people who have irritations from razors.
  2. Removal of vegetation with sugar paste is suitable for those who suffer from ingrown hairs or the formation of rashes after shaving.
  3. Longer keep an intimate haircut is possible only if you do hair removal with sugar.

How to make a shugaring bikini?

Special masses for shugaring are already sold. You need to choose them, taking into account the peculiarities of your skin and hairs. Otherwise, the remedy will not be effective. But if you want to make a paste for epilation, you can do it yourself.

Mass for bikini slut at home - recipe



Remove the juice from the lemon. All the ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and put on a big fire for about three minutes. Constantly interfere. Fire reduce and boil the mass for another ten minutes, until it changes color. Then immediately remove. Pour the paste into another container and leave to cool (only not in the refrigerator!).

Two days before shugaring the bikini zone at home, clean the epidermis with soft scrubs. And immediately before the procedure, treat the skin with a disinfectant. Further - everything is simple:

  1. Take a piece of pasta at room temperature and roll it into a ball.
  2. With a ball, treat the skin in the right area, squeezing it well. Conduct them against the growth of hair, so that sugar swallows them completely.
  3. After the composition is a little dry, tear it with a sharp movement. Of course, doing this is also necessary against the growth of hairs. So all the vegetation with the bulbs will retire.
  4. Wash the treated area with warm water. And then wipe it with chlorhexidine, peroxide or a special post-depilation agent.

The first hair removal can take a lot of time and not go too well. Do not despair, after the second procedure the skill will be improved.