Soda Treatment

In the world, probably, very few people who do not know about the existence of baking soda and its use in the kitchen. However, not everyone knows that tea soda - a unique medicine and treatment with tea soda is very common in folk medicine. It so happened that in our country baking soda is available to everyone, and therefore it has long been widely used as a medicine. In this article, we'll look at what and how to cure with soda.

Treatment of psoriasis with soda

Treatment of psoriasis with baking soda is done with the help of an ointment based on it. The composition of the ointment includes:

Treatment of soda from parasites

Treatment with drinking soda is possible in the fight against helminthiasis. To do this, 20-30 g of soda are dissolved in 800 ml of water, the temperature of which should be 38-42 ° C. This solution is injected rectally into the intestine for 30 minutes. Before and after the administration of the solution, it is necessary to put an enema.

Treatment of fungus soda

Fungal diseases are also easily treated with baking soda. It is especially effective in the use of foot fungus. To do this, mix a tablespoon of soda and a little water to make something like gruel. This mixture is rubbed into the area affected by the fungus, and then rinsed with clean water and wiped dry. After the procedure, you can sprinkle the skin with starch.

Soda for the treatment of throat

Probably everyone else from childhood knows such a method of treating the throat as a rinse with a solution of soda. This remedy can be prepared on the basis of warm milk or boiled water. On a glass of liquid take a teaspoon of soda. The throat should be rinsed for 10 minutes in small portions of the solution.

Treatment for sour heartburn

In order to quickly get rid of heartburn , you can dissolve a pinch of drinking soda in a glass of warm water and drink slowly in small sips. In a few minutes you will feel relief.

Treatment of gout with soda

Gout is a very unpleasant disease characterized by growths on the bones. To get rid of the build-up, you can use baking soda and iodine. You will need 3 teaspoons of ordinary soda and only 9 drops of iodine, which must be stirred in three liters of water. With this solution you need to make daily foot baths. Ten days later, the result will be noticeable - the growths will slowly decrease, and then disappear altogether.

Treatment of teeth with soda

A solution of soda perfectly removes inflammation of the gums and even helps with toothache. In addition, soda can be cleaned teeth. At the same time they are somewhat resilient and the plaque is removed almost completely. With brushing your teeth, you do not need to get carried away, because soda is still rough enough and can damage enamel with frequent use.

Treatment of hypertension with soda

If blood pressure is compromised, you can drink half a teaspoon of soda together with a dose of medication. This will help to remove excess liquid and salt from the body, and therefore the pressure will recover faster.

Treatment of arrhythmia with soda

It's hard to imagine, but soda helps to normalize the heart rate. If you have an attack of intense heart beat, take ½ teaspoon of soda and soon it will pass.

Soda with conjunctivitis

Drinking soda, diluted in ordinary water, you can wash your eyes with conjunctivitis . Such a solution perfectly cleanses the eyes of the secretions and removes the inflammatory process.

Folk and classical medicine has many different prescriptions for soda treatment. It is difficult to imagine how humanity could do without soda, because it is truly a miraculous natural component.