Utilization of energy-saving lamps

Lighting devices are made of thin material, so they are very easy to break, and also they often fail. Energy saving bulbs that have become very popular can not just be thrown out after they stop working. There are certain rules about how to dispose of them. We'll get acquainted with them in this article.

Proper disposal of energy-saving lamps

Energy-saving bulbs inside contain liquid mercury or vapor. After all, this is the principle of its work. Therefore, they can not be thrown into the landfill as a normal incandescent lamp, but should be sent for disposal. This is even written on the package and there is a special sign.

Whole or broken energy-saving lamp should be placed in a sealed plastic bag. There it is also worthwhile to put all the fragments and things that they collected into it, and then close them tightly. Do this very carefully, wearing personal protective equipment (gloves and mask), so as not to get injured and inhale dangerous for human fumes of mercury.

Packaged bundle should be attributed to the enterprise that processes them or bring them to a special point for their collection.

A failed energy-saving light bulb should not be specially broken up, it's better if you deliver it and hand it over in its entirety.

The main problem with the proper disposal of energy-saving lamps is the lack of reception points, where they are received, or information about their location. That's why ordinary people do not want to look for them and throw them into a landfill with ordinary garbage. But they are in every city. In larger settlements there are special companies for processing such products, and in small ones, special collection points are simply opened.

Under the law, mercury lamps are classified as hazardous waste. If you recycle used energy-saving lamps for recycling, you will help to preserve the purity of the surrounding nature and save natural resources. After all, the supplied lighting fixtures are recycled, and as a result, mercury, aluminum and glass are obtained.

If you do not want to search in your city for the point of reception of mercury-containing lamps for disposal, then it is better to install halogen or light-emitting diode. After all, they can simply be thrown together with other glass products, and you will receive more light than from a conventional incandescent bulb.