Recipe for grated raspberries with sugar

In the summer there are plenty of fruits and berries, and, accordingly, vitamins. It is necessary to try to consume them in season to fill our body with useful substances. But also you need to make and harvest in the winter. Now we'll tell you how to rub raspberries with sugar. In the winter you will get not only a delicious treat, but also an excellent and natural remedy for colds.

Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter



So, for the preparation of raspberries, ground with sugar, we will need exclusively fresh and ripe berries. Carefully they are sorted out - even if the berry is slightly rotten or damaged, it does not suit us. Prepared raspberries are placed in a colander and gently washed. When all the water drains, we spread the berries on napkins and dry them.

Next, we place them in a large enamel bowl and mash with a mortar. You need to do this carefully, so as not to leave whole pieces. Pour into a container with raspberries 500 grams of sugar, mix well and leave for 20 minutes to stand - during this time the sugar should be in time to dissolve. After that, pour as much sugar, mix again and leave to dissolve.

And so we repeat the procedure until all the sugar is finished. After that, cover the container with a towel and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. And at this time we will prepare cans. First thoroughly wash them under running water with the addition of baking soda or dry mustard. Then each jar is pasteurized over the steam. It can also be done in the oven or microwave. Then, in the prepared cans, lay out our tasty raspberries, ground with sugar, and close each jar with a boiled lid. And now the most important thing is to store such fried raspberries with sugar only in a cold place - that is, either in a cellar or in a refrigerator.

How to rub raspberries with sugar?



Raspberry berries are carefully sorted, removing damaged berries and garbage. Then we put the berries in enameled dishes, pour sugar and rub the mass to a homogeneous state with the help of a wooden crush. An important point - the amount of sugar depends on how much time will be stored.

If we do it not for the winter, but plan to use it for a month, then it will be enough for the specified sugar rate. And if it is harvesting for the winter, then sugar should be put in 1,5-2 times more. Please attention that when preparing raspberries, grated with sugar, you can not use metal utensils, as it is known, when in contact with the metal, vitamin C is destroyed.

Banks for my raspberries and sterilize. We spread in them raspberries, fried with sugar, not reaching about 2 cm to the top, and pour an even layer of granulated sugar. If the billet is made for a short time, then a layer of sugar can not be poured. We close the jars with plastic caps and put the jars in the refrigerator.

Also from it you can make a tasty and useful raspberry jam or jam for the winter.