Preservation of early pregnancy

The inexorable statistics reads - every third pregnancy in our country ends in the earliest terms with almost painless spontaneous miscarriage. What is the fault - ecology, wrong lifestyle, bad habits? Whatever it was, but if the child is long-awaited and very coveted, the woman is ready to do anything to save the pregnancy.

Causes of miscarriage at an early age

One of the reasons is the so-called "natural selection", when a weak and non-viable individual simply does not cope and dies in the initial stages. The cause may be a genetic disorder that has arisen because of poor heredity, or due to exposure to harmful factors - viruses, radiation, harmful working conditions of the mother. This cause accounts for about 70% of miscarriages in the first trimester, and sometimes it happens unnoticed for the woman herself.

Another reason is the influence of our hormones, and in particular, the insufficient synthesis of the hormone progesterone. Provoke an early miscarriage and a poor state of a woman's health. Diseases of the TORCH group greatly affect the ability to bear and give birth to a healthy child. Sometimes a malicious joke is played by the Rh factor, which can differ from mother and child and cause Rh-conflict. In this case, the embryo is perceived by the mother's body as a foreign and unnecessary body, from which it is necessary to get rid of.

Harmful habits - alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, are the first allies of miscarriages. And even such factors as tranquility or anxiety of a future mother can affect the course of pregnancy, especially in the first weeks.

Preservation of early pregnancy

How can you keep pregnancy in the early stages, if you feel something is wrong? If suddenly there were pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, bloody discharge from the genital tract, general weakness and malaise, it becomes an indisputable reason for immediate treatment in the nearest female consultation. In most cases, women with such symptoms are treated in a hospital. They are offered preserving therapy during pregnancy, depending on the cause of the threat.

So, for example, with the diagnosis of "hypertonus of the uterus", you need bed rest and taking spasmolytic drugs (injections of no-shps to save pregnancy or taking it in the form of tablets). What to do to save pregnancy, if you found a low level of progesterone according to the results of a blood test for hormones: the doctor will prescribe you this hormone in the form of tablets (Utrozhestan or Dufaston). They can be taken orally, but they are more effective when administered into the vagina.

A number of tablets used to maintain pregnancy are magnesium preparations, suppositories for papaverine to preserve pregnancy. In the case of isthmico-cervical insufficiency, which is the weakness and friability of the cervix, which is why it is unable to retain the growing fetus, To save pregnancy, insert a special ring or suture the uterus.

How to save pregnancy in endometriosis?

Endometriosis is the proliferation of endometrial tissue beyond the uterine mucosa. During menstruation, this tissue bleeds along with the normal endometrium, this leads to inflammation of the tissues, which in turn causes fibrosis and the formation of adhesions leading to infertility.

If, in spite of the disease, you managed to get pregnant, you should strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations, take prescribed medications and lie on the preservation, if necessary. After giving birth, endometriosis needs to be treated with more radical methods, including laparoscopy, laser surgery, cryosurgery or electrocautery. All of them are aimed at removing excess tissue and destroying the foci of growth of endometriosis.