
Perhaps the most famous art museum in Sweden can be considered Waldemarsudde - the villa, which has galleries with masterpieces of painting and a magnificent recreation area .

Historical reference

Waldemarsudde or Cape Valdemar is located on the island of Djurgården in the Swedish capital. The house-museum was built in 1904, the author of the project was Ferdinand Boberg. The museum complex is built in the architectural style of "Northern Modern", its owner was Prince Eugene, son of King Oscar II.

The owner of the famous museum

Eugene Napoleon Nicholas Bernadotte - crown prince of the kingdom, from an early age dragged to art. He received his art education in France. Throughout his life, Eugene painted pictures, was a patron and collector. Today in Valdemarsudd there are well-known works of the Prince of the "Cloud", "The Old Castle". Also exhibits of the museum collection are the works of famous sculptors Rodin and Mille, copies of the most famous canvases of artists from around the world. After the death of the owner, Waldemarsudde took over the state.

What does the museum consist of?

The complex includes:

  1. New house built in 1905
  2. Gallery of 1913, intended for temporary exhibitions.
  3. The old house of the prince (built in 1780). Here, the master's office, bedrooms, and a luxurious dining room remain intact. On the upper floors of the building are sometimes exhibited the work of beginning painters.
  4. Two galleries attached to the main building in 1945.
  5. Special Hall, representing the work of Eushen Jansson, dedicated to the winter capital.

The Museum Park

The complex Waldemarsudde is built in a magnificent park, the area of ​​which is 7 hectares. There are many shady avenues, there is a beautiful lake , everywhere there are mighty oaks, various kinds of flowers - mostly white, black, pink, yellow shades.

How to get there?

You can reach the Waldemarsudde Museum by metro . Follow the T-Centrale station and then take bus number 47, which stops near the villa.