Wall plastering for wallpaper

No repairs can not do without working on the walls. What catches your eye right away, as soon as you enter the room? This, of course, is not the ceiling, for careful consideration of which you need to raise your head high. These are walls, new wallpaper or a fresh bright color.

Before you putty the walls, and then paste them with wallpaper or paint, you must make a primer. During the repair work, priming is likely, more than once.

About putty

Using a roller, ground the walls. It is best to use a strengthening or impregnating primer. Priming of walls before shpaklevkoj is obligatory, here there can not be two opinions.

Now, in our time, the market is strewn with various putty. You must know that it is of two types: KR - conventional and VH - for wet rooms. Well, and, of course, it is better to choose brands of well-known manufacturers, so you will be assured of the quality of the tool. And the purchase is not on the market, but in the corresponding store.

The main purpose of the putty is to perfectly level the walls, and the subsequent wallpapering of the wallpaper does not cause any difficulties. Dry mixtures are most suitable for work.

How to apply the putty on the wall?

It should be done so - with a small spatula, we apply the solution on a large, carefully spread out filler to make an even layer. Further, at an angle of twenty or thirty degrees, we smear with a large spatula on the wall. It is best to move the spatula diagonally, this will flatten the plane both vertically and horizontally at the same time. Start with the left edge and the subsequent layers stretch out to the side, as if overlap. This is done to avoid "transitions" and the appearance of hillocks. Even the biggest professionals from the first layer will not escape the bands. Immediately the surface is not smooth. Very convenient angle knife for filling the corners of both internal and external. It is best and without effort will help you to make a smooth angle of ninety degrees.

Putty will not dry or crack, if you apply more than five millimeters at a time, do not forget about it. And one layer will dry for about twelve hours.

After this time, sand the wall with sandpaper. If you use a special holder, it will be much more convenient and will help you avoid failures. Then it should be primed and then the following layers can be applied.

For normal leveling of the walls it is desirable to apply at least two layers of putty, preferably more if you want to put it under painting, since if the wallpaper can still hide some of the irregularities, then the paint will only show them even more.

Preparation of putty

We measure a strictly defined part of the water in a bucket, then pour out a dry mixture there. Then mix with a mixer (manually it will be very painstaking, but not impossible). Only in accordance with the proportion of the manufacturer should be made a solution.

It is possible to check the correct consistency before applying to the wall. Scoop the spatula with a spatula from the bucket. It should not drain, be thick enough as sour cream, but, in no case, not dry.

In hard-to-reach places (say, behind the battery), it is best to use a rubber spatula.

Puttying of walls from gypsum board does not differ in anything concrete from the usual procedure of applying this material. All the same. We make the solution, we put it on the wall. You can only plaster seams between sheets of drywall. After it is desirable to apply a primer for better adhesion to the substrate. Then gently glue the wallpaper, and everything, the walls are ready.

We wish you patience and success in your repair!