Cowberry leaves

Cowberry is a small shrub of the heather family (cranberry). It has branched stems, covered with evergreen shiny leaves of elongated shape, rough to the touch. Lingonberry is famous for its berries, which have many useful properties. But the leaves of cranberries are not inferior to berries in their useful qualities.

Cowberry leaves - properties

Cowberry leaves have a unique biochemical composition, they contain phytoncides, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, various minerals (manganese, iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium), vaccine, lycopene and glycosides. They are especially rich in B vitamins, in particular B12. In addition, the leaves of cranberries include arbutin - a natural antiseptic, tannins, which have astringent properties, antioxidants and tannins.

These small leaves contain many plant proteins, benzoic acid, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Leaves of cranberries have properties not less useful than berries. They have antiseptic, antimicrobial and diuretic effects. They are used as tonic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, soothing, choleretic and cardiotonic.

Application of leaves of cowberries

Than the leaves of cranberries are useful, people knew from ancient times.

Cowberry leaves are effective for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis, in particular, promote the softening of stones and the removal of salts from the body.

In addition, due to its properties, leaves of cranberries can reduce body temperature, remove external and internal inflammations, heal mucous membrane damage, expel worms from the body, stop bleeding. They have a diuretic effect, antimycotic and anti-cancer effects, relieve allergy symptoms and intoxication of the body.

The properties of cranberry leaves can reduce blood sugar, so it is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

The anti-inflammatory effect of these leaves is used in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, stomach diseases, rheumatism.

As a natural antiseptic and antiviral agent, cranberry leaves are used to treat a variety of bacterial infections, colds .

To get rid of chronic fatigue and fill the body with energy, you need to regularly drink tea from cowberry leaves.

A cranberry leaf with cystitis is used as a diuretic and disinfectant.

Also, leaves of cranberries are very widely used for weight loss. Losing weight in this case contributes to tannin - an element that helps the digestive system to work effectively.

Infusions and decoctions of cranberry leaves help with swelling in pregnant women, nephropathy, with pyelonephritis, which occur during pregnancy and after childbirth.

From the decoction of cranberry leaves make inhalations and aerosols, which are used for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Contraindications to the use of leaves of cowberries

A sheet of cowberry is contraindicated for people who have liver, kidneys. With increased acidity of the stomach, decoction of these leaves should be drunk after eating.

It is very important to know about cranberry leaves when collecting them so that they are full of useful substances. The best period for harvesting them is from April to mid-May, before the beginning of flowering, when the plant still does not have buds or just started to appear. But you can harvest leaves of cranberries and fall or winter from under the snow, then they are easier to dry. In no case, you can not collect leaves during the flowering period of cranberries.