Warming of the attic

The attic is a under roof, which is used as a living space. The attic has become fashionable to use as an additional residential building for quite some time. But not everyone knows how important it is to heat the attic even if it is not used. The need for thermal insulation of this space arises from the significant loss of heat, also to prevent the appearance of mold. Warming is also necessary in order to avoid the possibility of condensation of moisture, which occurs due to the collision of cold air from outside through an unheated surface with warm air inside the room.

Warming of the attic with your own hands

In this article, we will talk about how to properly carry out the insulation of the attic with your own hands. To begin with we will consider the most popular kinds of heaters. The most common options for thermal insulators are mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. There are also stone and glass wool. These materials have their advantages and disadvantages. Among the main advantages of expanded polystyrene are lightness, low thermal conductivity, strength and reasonable cost. However, such a material does not have a particular durability and can release toxic substances during combustion. Glass wool is an ecological substance, it is fireproof and perfectly keeps heat. When working with this material it is important to work in special gloves and glasses to protect yourself from getting onto the body of glass particles. In the construction market today it is possible to choose the type of insulation that is more suitable for a particular room.

In order to realize the warming of the attic from the inside with your own hands it is important to follow the sequence of all stages.

  1. The first priority is to lay the waterproofing layer to protect it from moisture. To do this, use a special waterproofing film.
  2. For convenience, at the next stage, the wooden rails are fixed to the rafters at a distance of about 60 cm from each other.
  3. The next stage of warming the roof of the attic from the inside is the laying of the heat insulator in the space between the slats and rafters.
  4. The next, very important step is the vapor barrier insulation. To do this, a ruberoid, polyethylene film or glassine is attached to the heat insulator. The material is fixed to the rafters. The seams of the film need to be glued. Sometimes the vapor barrier is carried out between the layers of the insulation for additional effect.

When insulating the roof of the attic with their own hands it is important not to leave gaps during the laying of the insulation. To fix the vapor barrier use construction staples or building scotch tape. Completing the insulation of the roof, you can make the roof lining with any material, for example, plasterboard or plywood. This method will help you to hide the insulation and make the attic more cozy.

In the event that in this room there are walls, i.e. The roof does not reach the floor, the walls also need to be insulated. This procedure is carried out in the same way as the roof insulation.

One of the important stages in the insulation of the attic is the choice of insulation. At the moment you can find many modern materials that will suit you more, for example, polyurethane foam, eco-wool or foil. Otherwise, the process of attic insulation with their own hands is quite simple. You should pay special attention to all the recommendations and follow all the instructions, and as a result you will be satisfied with the effect and protect your house from possible problems and damages. The benefits of such a procedure are indisputable, and for its conduct in a residential building you should not receive permission from special authorities or neighbors.